

戴尔-莫特森(Dale. T Mortensen)主要著作:

《空缺职位波动与失业率》与纳吉帕尔(E. Nagypál)合著,来自2007年《动态经济学评论》第三期: pp. 327–47.(D. Mortensen and E. Nagypál (2007), 'More on unemployment and vacancy fluctuations.' Review of Economic Dynamics 10 (3), pp. 327–47.)

《工资分化:为什么同工会不同酬?》麻省理工学院出版社2005年版(D. Mortensen (2005), Wage Dispersion: Why Are Similar Workers Paid Differently?, MIT Press. ISBN 0-262-63319-1)

《工资歧视、雇主规模与失业率》与伯德特(K. Burdett)合著,来自1998年《国际经济评论》39期:pp. 257–73(K. Burdett and D. Mortensen (1998), 'Wage differentials, employer size, and unemployment.' International Economic Review 39, pp. 257)

《失业理论中的创造就业与破坏就业》与皮萨里德斯合著 1994年《经济研究》61期 pp. 397–415.(D. Mortensen and C. Pissarides (1994), 'Job creation and job destruction in the theory of unemployment.' Review of Economic Studies 61, pp. 397–415.)

《工作搜寻与劳动市场分析》来自1986年《劳动经济学手册》(D. Mortensen (1986), 'Job search and labor market analysis.' Ch. 15 of Handbook of Labor Economics, vol. 2, O. Ashenfelter and R. Layard, eds., North-Holland.)

《财产权、竞争与合著效率与相关博弈》1982年《美国经济评论》72期:pp. 968–79(D. Mortensen (1982), 'Property rights and efficiency of mating, racing, and related games.)

《非合作博弈中的匹对过程》选自麦考尔所编《信息经济学与不确定性》(D. Mortensen (1982), 'The matching process as a non-cooperative/bargaining game.' In The Economics of Information and Uncertainty, J. McCall, ed., NBER, ISBN 0226555593.)

《动态工资和就业理论》选自1972年菲尔普斯等编的《就业的微观经济学基础与通货膨胀理论》(D. Mortensen (1972), 'A theory of wage and employment dynamics.' In Microeconomic Foundations of Employment and Inflation Theory, E. Phelps et al., eds., Norton, ISBN 978-0393093261)
第1个回答  2010-12-16
第2个回答  2010-12-15