
3 我想问一下simile和metaphor这两个的区别,请告诉我一下他们的不同处(最好有英文例句)。另外我上面问的这两句是各属于哪一种,谢谢。
5 有没有什么好一点,经典一点的小句子或段落可以用来背诵来提高英语。

第一句翻译:My heart will overflow the
第二句翻译:I'm like a deflated balloon

simile (明喻) metaphor(隐喻)
第1个回答  2010-12-08
1. My heart will pop.
2. I'm like a deflated balloon.
Is this how to say a few words in English. There may be no such statement in English, then translated into the same meaning, please help me, in the English language expression. Thank you.
3, simile and metaphor I would like to ask the difference between the two, please tell me what their differences (the best English example). In addition, I ask above all belong to these two which is, thank you.
4 Please tell me people know where to find the English proverb. (With the kind of rhetoric)
5 There is no better, the classic small sentences or paragraphs that can be used to recite to improve English.
第2个回答  2010-12-08
1. My heart will pop.
2. I'm like a deflated balloon.
第3个回答  2010-12-08
1. My heart is jumping up and down./ My nerve is at highly attention.
2. I'm like a deflated balloon./ I'm frustrated.
3. - simile: A figure of speech in which two essentially unlike things are compared, often in a phrase introduced by like or as, as in “How like the winter have my absence been” or “So are you to my thoughts as food to life”
- metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison, as in “a sea of troubles”
第4个回答  2010-12-11

1.我的心快要跳出来了——My heart will overflow. 这个可能稍稍没有那么激烈。
My heart's about to beat out of my chest. 外国人有时候也这么说。

2.我就像一个泄了气的皮球——I'm like a deflated balloon.这个我赞同~

3. 关于英文的明喻和暗语,明喻就是比喻句中用“like”或者“as”来连接本体和喻体,反之暗喻就是句子中用“is”或者“are”来比较两个不同的东西,没有明显的“好像”,“好似”一类的词。

I'm LIKE a deflated ballon——这个是明喻(simile)
My heart will overflow ——这个好像不属于比喻,没什么喻体。说是夸张(exaggeration)可能更合适。

明喻 1. She swims LIKE a dolphin. (她游泳的时候像只海豚。)
2. He was AS brave as a lion.(他勇敢的像只狮子)

暗喻 Her eyes ARE glistening jewels.(她的眼睛漂亮的如同璀璨的宝石。)

4. 英文谚语的话,我大概看了一下,觉得这个还挺全的,里面有不少的句子都带有修辞手法,你可以下来看看,不需要积分:

5. 至于经典的小句子或者段落,我觉得因人而异吧。要是你偏爱比较温情优美的,我觉得《心灵鸡汤》里有挺多不错的故事,结尾一般都会有那么一小段比较有哲理的话。其实我觉得有挺多英文歌的歌词也不错~~

希望对你有所帮助 o(∩_∩)o