
1、This problem demands __.
A.to look into B.be looked into
2、Some people's greatest pleasure is __.
A.to fish B.fishing
3、I don't mind the children palying in the park,but I won't have them __my flowers.
A.to pluck B.plucking
4.Mary happened __ when they speak ill of her.
A.to be past B.to be passing
5.A liar's punishment is not __ believed when he speaks the truth.
A.been B.being
6.This could be done,and __ be done.
A.can't B.couldn't C.mustn't D.must
7.He __ for a year.
A.has not left home B.has been leaving
8.Why __ it __ every day so far this week?
A.have,rained B.does,rain
9.Had I known his phone number ___
A.and where he lives B.I woould have invited him to supper
10.How happy we __ if you could be here tomorrow!
A.are B.should be
11.Hearing that,__.
A.up jumped the boy from hia seat
B.up the boy jumped from his seat
12.You say he swims well,__.
A.Not until she got home she did
B.Not until she got home did she
13.__ of it,for it took place many years ago.
A.Little thought I B.Little have I thought
C.Little have thought D.Did little have I think
12.You say he swims well,__.
A.so he does and so do you
B.so does he and so do you

1,to be looked into/looking into,demand后要跟不定式的被动或动名词的主动形式。
3. pluck,have sb do sth 让某人做某事。
4. B,sb happens to do sth 某个碰巧做某事,不定式这里用了进行式,表示碰巧正在做某事,A的BE后有个动词原形,在英语中,这在任何时候都是错的。
5. B,is 后面的是动名词作表语,而且还是个被动形式,
6. D,句意:这事能够做,而且必须做。
7. has been away,我认为这个才是正确答案,A尽管说好象讲得通,但这是典型的中国式英语,一段时间的状语要和延续性动词一起用,而两个答案中的leave是个短暂性动词。
8. has it rained,so far 句中出现这个词组,谓语动词要用现在完成时。
9.B,10.B,这两题是虚拟语气的考查,条件句中用did/had done,主句中用might(could,shoud,would...)do/might(could,shoud,would...) have don....斜线前后对应。第9题没有if ,是把它省略了,并把助动词提前,实施的倒装。
11. A,方位副词置于句首,实施全部倒装。主语要放在谓语的后面。
12. A,so+同一个主语+助动词:的确如此;so+助动词+另一个主语:另一主语也一样。
13. B ,否定词little置于句首,实施部分倒装,把谓语里的助动词提到主语的前面。