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今天当我们带著孩子们在前往公园散步的路上有个孩子跟老师说’’ Marco push me’’
老师给Marco 稍微教训了一下之後我们就继续前往公园了因为天气很不错是晴天
後来十分钟过去了 Marco还是不停的在玩沙我要求他停止他拒绝我说no 於是我经过老师的同意直接把他从沙子区抱下来他不停的挣脱但我还是成功把他放到集合区了我放下他之後他还尝试著要返回去沙子区但被其他老师给阻止了

今天下午在free play time时 Marco和其他的孩子们在玩车子时有个孩子过来跟我抱怨说Marco拿走了他的车子. 於是我立刻走过去要求Marco把玩具车还给他他摇头并且说no拒绝把玩具车还给对方於是我立刻拿走Marco的另一辆车并且交给被抢走玩具的孩子. 当我一拿走他的玩具, Marco开始发脾气开始哭闹并且尝试著要抢夺他的玩具回来於是我把他拉到旁边去给他解释这就是被抢走玩具的後果并且问他要不要把他抢来的玩具还给对方这时候Marco才终於不甘心的把他原本抢过来的玩具还给对方而我也把他原本的车子还给他

今天中午吃饱饭之後我们准备要让孩子进入午睡时间的时候我看到Marco拿著故事书和其他的男孩子跑来跑去的我大声的告诉他们已经要准备睡觉了并且我要求他们把故事书放回去然後躺到他们的床上睡觉 Marco跟另外两个孩子都不听劝并且继续玩

When we were on our way to a park to have a walk today, a kid said to the teacher: “Marco pushed me!” The teacher told Marco off, and then continued going to the park.

Since the weather was really good and it was a sunny day, we brought the children to a park with recreation facilities, such as a slide and some swings. There was another block where the children could play with sand. We allowed the children to play over there for 10 minutes. Before letting them go, the teacher told them some rules they had to follow, including that when we counted to 10, they would have to stop playing immediately and go back to the gathering area.

10 minutes were soon gone, but Marco was still playing with the sand. I asked him to stop, but he refused me, saying “no”. So I carried him away from the sand-playing block in my arms, after seeking the teacher’s permission. He was constantly kicking and trying to escape, but I successfully took him to the gathering area in the end. After putting him down, he still attempted to go back to the sand-playing block, but was stopped by other teachers.

In the afternoon, when Marco was playing cars with other kids during the free play time, a kid came and complained to me that Marco took away her car. So I immediately went and asked Marco to give the toy car back to the kid. Marco shook his head saying “no” and refused to give the toy car back. So I took the other car Marco had, and gave it to the kid who had his toy car taken away. As soon as I took his toy car, Marco started crying and screaming, as well as trying to get his toy back. I took him aside and explained to him that this was the consequence of taking other people’s toys, and asked him whether he was going to return the toy he had taken from the kid. At this point, Marco finally gave the toy he took from the kid back to him reluctantly, while I also gave his own car back to him.

Today after lunch, when we were getting the kids ready for a nap, I saw Marco holding a story book and running around with other boys. I told him quite loudly that other kids are ready to sleep. I also asked them to put the story book back and go to bed. Marco and two other kids did not listen to me, but instead continued playing. The teacher also saw this. Straight away, he/ she took away his story book, carried him to his bed and told him in a very serious manner that it was time for bed. After that, Marco was finally obedient. He lied in bed and allowed the teacher to pat his back until he fell asleep.

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