
我需要对我的报价作如下说明:1,就是我们现在的付款方式不同于去年了,所报价格里没有了退税的利润,现在所有退税都将退到NJ OFFICE,所以我们报的价格看上去要高些,因为将退税的钱放到了报给你们的价格里了2,根据市场行情,所有原材料都在疯狂的上涨,包括工厂的加工费也随之上涨。
所有报给你的价格,我已是利润最小化了,我可以将我所做的COSTING给你看的。我很想与你们继续合作,毕竟我对你们是那么的熟悉。听说你这两天在NJ OFFICE ,我想约你见个面谈谈下季的订单情况,关于16个款毛圈布订单和6个款的羽绒服订单。不知道你意下如何?

I need my offer as follows: 1, we present a method of payment is different from last year, the rebate offer no profit Gerry, now all the tax rebate will be retreated NJ OFFICE, so we look at the price quoted up to higher, because the money will be refund to you put a price reported in the 2, according to the market, all raw materials are rising in the wild, including the plant's processing fee has also risen.
The price reported to you all, I have a minimum profit, and I can give you what I did COSTING read. I would like to continue to cooperate with you, after all, I was so familiar to you. I heard you two days in NJ OFFICE, I would like to see a face you talk about the next quarter, orders, terry cloth on the section 16 orders and orders down jacket, paragraph 6. Do not know what you think?
第1个回答  2010-11-29

