
具体内容 价格 单人间 每天30元 双人每天20元 餐费每天20元
可以喝住户主人一家一起吃中餐,向菜单可以点菜,也可以自己做饭,可参加活动 海水浴 游泳 登山 不付工资的温室劳动(自愿)
家庭旅馆household hotel

dear Georqe:

good day

it was nice to receiving from you ,your letter recently mentioned that you want to know more about those household hotels in my hometown , the details are as follow :
price :
CNY30 each for single room
CNY20 each for double room
table money:
CNY20 each day
you can each lunch with the host family or order dishes in the menu.you can also make dishes by your self . you may take part in the activities like sea-water bathing/
mountaineering /unpaid greenhouse laboring if you like .
that's all i know about the household hotels in my hometown and i wish you would have a nice summer vocation in my hometown
best regards

yours Lihua
给点赏把 我一早起来给你写的