The Stolen White Elephant


第1个回答  2022-07-28
This winter vacation, our English teacher asked us to read a book "the stolen white elephant", which was written by Mark Twain. This is a world famous book.

In this story, the protagonist is the ignorant masses, and the agent is the representative of the officials. The introduction of the story is: "this is not an ordinary situation. We must act carefully. We must keep it a secret. " This is a story about the Royal white elephant. The white elephant is being shipped from Siam to England as a gift to the queen. This gift should be not only noble, but also more noble than everything. When it disappeared in New York City, I was so anxious that I had to call the police to help me find the very important white elephant. The famous American detective, chief inspector Bronte, led the investigation.

However, the famous detective didn't seem to pay attention to the case. In the eyes of the investigation team leader, the loss of an elephant was like the loss of a dog. After some discussion, the scheme was to pay the detective to look for it. Then he continued to receive news about the white elephant, and various white elephant wounding incidents continued to appear, causing social panic. In order to recover the white elephant as soon as possible, the host had to increase the reward again. In the end, I lost everything but the body of the white elephant. The reason is that in order to get the huge bonus, detectives teased me and made up many ridiculous lies. For example, he will leave the Bible to eat bricks, he will leave bricks to eat bottles, he will leave bottles to eat clothes, he will leave clothes to eat cats, he will leave cats to eat fish, he will leave fish to eat ham, he will leave ham to eat sugar, he will leave sugar to eat pie, He will leave the pie to eat potatoes, he will leave potatoes to eat bread, he will leave bread to eat hay, he will leave hay to eat fruit, he will leave fruit to eat rice, because Siam has a lot of rice. They seemed to be helping me find the white elephant. In fact, the detectives firmly seized the opportunity to make money, made a good profit from me, cheated my savings of , fifty thousand dollars and directed and acted in a grand farce to find the white elephant. After that, the major newspapers reported the greatness and dedication of the detectives, and the detectives gained both fame and wealth.

This story makes people reflect on themselves.