用when else 造句


用when else 造句(10句中英文)如下:

When it’s raining, bring an umbrella; else you’ll get wet.(下雨时,带把伞;否则你会被淋湿。)

I always wash my hands before eating; else I feel uncomfortable.(我吃饭前总是洗手;否则我会感到不舒服。)

When the alarm goes off, wake up; else you’ll be late for work.(当闹铃响起时,起床;否则你会上班迟到。)

She always double-checks her work before submitting it; else she might make mistakes.(她总是在提交作品之前仔细检查两遍;否则她可能会出错。)

When the baby cries, check if they are hungry or need a diaper change; else they may be uncomfortable.(当孩子哭闹时,检查他们是不是饿了或需要换尿布;否则他们可能感到不适。)

We need to study for our exams when it’s the exam season; else we won’t perform well.(到了考试季节,我们需要好好学习;否则我们成绩可能不好。)

When you visit a foreign country, it’s important to learn the local customs and etiquette; else you might offend someone unintentionally.(当你去访问一个外国国家时,了解当地的风俗和礼仪很重要;否则你可能会无意中冒犯到某人。)

I always check the weather forecast before planning outdoor activities; else we might get caught in the rain.(我总是在计划户外活动之前检查天气预报;否则我们可能会在雨中被困。)

When you have a headache, it’s good to rest and take some medicine; else the pain may worsen.(当你头疼时,休息一下并服用一些药物是很好的;否则疼痛可能会加重。)

He always locks the door when leaving the house; else it may be vulnerable to burglary.(离开房子时,他总是锁好门;否则可能容易遭到入室盗窃。)

下面简单对when else做一个解析:

词组翻译:when else(词组)- 当别无选择时,除此之外



    What else can I do when the situation is out of my control?(当情况超出我控制范围,我还能做什么?)

    No one else was there when the accident happened.(事故发生时,没有其他人在场。)

    Where else would you go when you’ve already visited all the tourist attractions?(当你已经参观了所有旅游景点后,你还会去哪里?)

    When else will you have the opportunity to travel the world?(除此之外,你还有什么机会去环游世界呢?)

    I don’t know what else to do when everyone has given up hope.(当每个人都放弃希望时,我不知道还能做什么。)


“when else” 强调在没有其他选择或情况之下的特定时间或情境。它可以用作疑问句或陈述句的转折词,表示除了某种情况之外别无选择。


“when” 在这里是连词,引导一个条件或情况。“else” 是副词,用来表示除去某种情况外的其他情况。


    When else would you have time to visit the museum except on weekends?(除了周末,你还有什么时候有时间参观博物馆呢?)

    I’ll take the job when else I have no other options.(除非没有其他选择,否则我会接受这份工作。)

    When else will we get the chance to see our favorite band perform live?(除此之外,我们还有什么机会看到我们最喜欢的乐队现场表演呢?)

    You should speak up when else you won’t be heard.(除非你开口说话,否则你就无法被听到。)

    When else could I have a chance to meet my idol except at the fan event?(除了在粉丝活动上,我还能有什么机会见到偶像呢?)

第1个回答  2022-07-05
1 when else can we meet?
2 I found the cooking a good way to pass the time when everyone else was asleep.
3 When else but tonight is the entire state watching tv?