go on with造句


go on with造句如下:

1、I'm going to go on with my work even though I'm feeling tired. 我会继续工作,即使感到疲倦。

2、Please go on with your presentation, we're all listening. 请继续你的演讲,我们都在听着。

3、Despite the rain, the outdoor concert will go on with the help of some tents. 尽管下雨了,有些帐篷的帮助下,户外音乐会还是会继续进行。

4、Don't let anyone stop you from pursuing your dreams, just go on with it. 不要让任何人阻止你追求梦想,坚持下去就好。

5、We need to go on with our plans even if there are obstacles in our way. 即使遇到障碍,我们也需要继续执行计划。

6、The show must go on with or without the lead actor. 无论有没有主角,演出必须继续。

7、Let's go on with our hike and enjoy the scenery. 让我们继续我们的徒步旅行,享受风景。

8、Can we go on with the meeting even if some members are absent? 即使有些成员缺席,我们能继续开会吗?

9、It's important to go on with exercising regularly for better health. 定期锻炼对身体健康很重要,要坚持下去。

10、We decided to go on with the party despite the power outage. 尽管停电了,我们还是决定继续派对。

11、Go on with the story, I'm really interested to know what happened next. 请继续讲故事,我真的很想知道接下来会发生什么。

12、They were able to go on with their lives after the devastating loss. 在经历了毁灭性损失后,他们能够继续自己的生活。

13、If you want to succeed, you have to go on with your efforts. 如果你想成功,就必须坚持努力。

14、The teacher told the students to go on with their assignment while she stepped out. 老师告诉学生在她离开期间继续完成作业。

15、We can't let this setback make us give up, we have to go on with our plans. 我们不能让这个挫折让我们放弃,我们必须继续执行我们的计划。
