

'd省略的单词有四个:had, did,would, should。

Had后面一般是过去分词,容易与另外两者区分(had better有时也'd better,但better有很高的区分度)。

Would do, should do和did do被缩写为'd do后,自身无法区分(注意有would be和should be,不会有did be),必须借助句子和语境的其它信息。如

【例句1】I was glad they'd gone. (我很高兴他们走了。)[had的省略]

【例句2】Where'd they go? (他们去哪儿了?)[did的省略]

【例句3】He'd like to go.(他想去。)[would的省略]

【例句4】I'd like to remind you of your promise.(我想提醒你对你的承诺。)

主格人称和have has的缩写

1、I’ve got= I have got(我有)

2、you’ve got=you have got(你有)

3、he’s got=he has got(他有)

4、she’s got=she has got(她有)

5、it' s got =it has got(它有)

6、we’ve got=we have got(我们有)

7、they' ve got=they have got(他们有)
