

第1个回答  2022-10-26
What has a hand but can't scratch itself? A clock. 什么东西有手,但是却没办法抓痒?(时钟) What has no skin or bones
yet has four fingers and a thumb? A glove. 什么东西没有皮肤及骨头,但是却有四只手指跟一只大姆指?(手套) Why is an empty purse always the same? Because there is never any CHANGE in it. 为什么空的皮夹总是一样的?(因为空的皮夹中绝对不会有零钱/改变。)[英文中的『零钱』与『改变』是同一个字"change&;quot;。] Where can you always find money when you look for it? In the dictionary. 当你想找『钱』时,哪边总是能找得到?(字典)[因为字典一定找得到『钱』这个字。] What is something that never asks any questions but demands a great many wers? A doorbell. 什么东西从不问问题,但是得到很多回应?(门铃) What belongs to you
but is used more by other people? Your name. 什么东西是属于你的,但是别人使用的次数比你多?(你的名字) Why was the dog mad at the tree? Because the tree had its BARK. 为什么狗总是会对树发狂?(因为树有『树皮』。) [英文的Bark有二个意思,一个是树皮,一个是狗叫。] What do you get when you put three ducks in a box? A box of quackers (crackers). 当你把3只鸭子放在箱子中时,你会得到什么?(一箱饼干)[鸭子的叫声为quack,字尾加上er,表示发出quack声音者,这边quacker的发音近似于英文中的饼干cracker。] What do you call a wicked witch who lives by the sea? A sand-witch(sandwich). 你怎么称呼住在海边的女巫?(三明治)[因为海边有沙sand,女巫是witch,住在海边的女巫就是sand-witch,音近于三明治sandwich] What's a skeleton's favorite road? A dead end. 骷髅最爱的路是什么路?(死路)[骷髅是死者,自然要走死路。英文中的dead end也正好是困顿、死路之意] How do you make a skeleton laugh? You have to tickle its funny bone. 你要如何让骷髅笑?(搔他的腋下)[英文的funny bone指的就是腋下部份的骨头,要让骷髅笑,搔那边就对了] What is a witch's favorite subject in school? Spelling. 女巫最喜欢的课是什么?(拼字课) [spelling有下咒跟拼字的意思。] Why did jack throw butter out of a window? Because he wants to see "butterfly". 杰克为什么把奶油丢出窗户?(因为他想看蝴蝶。)[答案是因为他想看到奶油(butter)飞(fly),英文中的butterfly正好是蝴蝶之意] What keeps your teeth together? Toothpaste. 什么让你的牙齿能黏在一起?(牙膏)[tooth是牙齿,paste是浆糊] When you hit a ball
you run back to your home
and get points. What do you do? Homerun. 当你打中球,跑回家,并得到分数。请问你在做什么?(打全垒打。)[棒球中的本垒在英文是home的意思。] I fall in water. Please guess one word. Waiter. 我掉入水中,请猜一字。(服务生。)[wa+I+ter=英文的服务生] How do we make seven even? Take the "s"; away. 怎么让seven变成even?(拿掉s就可以了)[这个问题有双关语的用法:如何让七变成双数?] How do we make witch itch? Take the "w"; away. 怎么抓女巫的痒?(拿掉w就可以了)[这个问题有双关语用法:怎么让witch(女巫)变成itch(痒),当然拿掉w就好] What is worse than finding a worm in an apple? Finding only half a worm. 什么事是比在苹果中发现一只虫还可怕的?(当你发现半只虫时。) Which is the strongest day of the week? Sunday
because all the rest are weak (week) days. 哪一天是一周中最强的一天?(周日) Where does Thursday e before Wednesday? In the dictionary. 哪里的星期四是比星期三还早的?(英文字典)[因为英文字典的字是依字母顺序排列的] Which travels faster
heat or cold? Heat
because you can easily catch a cold. Heat跟cold,那个字跑得比较快?(heat)[英文中的catch a cold 指的是感冒,抓此双关语] What is it that es to see you every day and tells you everything but never opens its mouth? The newspaper. 什么东西每天都会出现在你面前,并且告诉你所有的事,却不曾开口?(报纸) What word is always pronounced wrong? Wrong. 什么字总是会念错?(『错』这个字) Where does a ghost go swimming ? Dead sea. 死人都去那边游泳?(死海)[暗指地理上的死海] I am the beginning of sorrow
and the end of sickness. You cannot express happiness without me
yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in risk
yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun
but I am never out of darkness. S I can run but never walk? I have a mouth but never talk? I have a bed but never sleep? I have a head but never weep? River 我会动但是不能走路。 我有张嘴但是不能说话。 我有床但是不能睡。 我有头但不能哭。 (河流) Each morning I appear To lie at your feet
All day I will follow No matter how fast you run
Yet I nearly perish In the midday sun. Shadow 每天早上我就会出现 会在你足边 整天我都会跟随 不管你跑得多快 但中午太阳出现时 我就会消失。 影子 I have a hundred legs
but cannot stand. I have a long neck
but no head. I cannot see
but I'm neat and tidy as can be. Mop 我有百只脚,但是无法站 我有长脖子,但是没有头 我不能视,但我却非常清洁。 拖把
参考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7006122902538
What table is no legs?答案:vegetable 咩桌冇脚?