

【答案】:(Text 10)
Hi! I am a boy from England. I have a big family, my dad, mom, elder sister and younger brother. I’d like to tell you a little about our everyday life.
The day starts at about 7 o’clock when Dad and Mom get up. We have breakfast at 8 o’clock. After breakfast, my sister, my brother and I put on our school uniforms and go to school. Dad goes to work by car. Mom, my sister, my brother and I go to school by bus. My mom works in a hospital near our school. School starts at 9:00am and it is over at 3:15 pm. After we get home, my sister, brother and I usually watch TV. Dad usually gets home at about 6:30 pm. We eat dinner at about 7:00 pm. In the evening, my sister, my brother and I usually do our homework before watching TV again. Mom helps us with our homework. On Saturday, my brother goes to the football club, my sister goes to dance classes, and I go to the basketball club. On Sunday, we usually go to the park or movies together.