

一。Winter is a cynical character of the juvenile, sometimes docile Lingli, sometimes engage in some mischief. He was pleased when the sunny, wind blowing gently. He was not happy about, the dark clouds Blot out the Sun, rain and snow Cross. He was always very greedy to want it that may be true to him, he does not cherish, wanton destruction. He yellow autumn grass, those who think issued not sound pleasant to the ears, they sow snow all over the sky, the mountains and fields are wrapped in soft carpet in the snow. He was a creation of their own pride, cheering, and playing in the snow on the play. of those yellow blankets in the snow under the care, start with a sweet dream, the dream was spring, theissued. However, I do not know juvenile and the dream, he has not. Other side of the river he saw a tree there are leaves sway in the wind, but the murmur of the river flowing hampered his pace. He did not detour from the bridge through patience, then a wave, raised a cold wind, the water condensate will. He quickly ran the ice will be the last piece of residual branches ripped off the leaves, the heart moves the hand rub in until the leaves had broken, and discarded it without pity.

二。winter is a girl, pure, romantic. She has long hair the wind swagger, her face a complete, say, bringing a round of smooth, she has a good stareflashing sparkling like stars, she has marvelous enchanting graceful waist, she a vision of true love, from the wilderness depths approaching evaded. She, dressed in white, wide sleeves in between mountains, rivers Hagoromo Costume dance a song. Mountains, rivers have been dumped by her beauty, but also follow the Bank replaced the elegant makeup line Su-wrapped head. He , thin string, a string wire fence between the decline since. The vast forest by her sound confusing, but also followed by singing songs Watched around the world due to changes in her health, her eyes are filled with joy tip of brow. Later, she was tired, sit down and listen, her Prince Charming would like to know whether it has set foot on the journey to meet her. Thus, the silence, even the wind had stopped circling, hiding behind the clouds, hold your breath. A clip-clop of a horse a horse from far and near, horseback sat a handsome youth. He held out his hand to the young girls, young girls smiled and laughed as innocent, as innocent.

三。Winter is a dignified middle-aged face, bold, determination, calm and unhurried. He always carried a heavy pack, the pace of a hurry. Although he is no longer a young man's curiosity and impulse, but his struggle was still filled with passion. He clearly is aware of their mission to play a link between past and future, there are many things to do, nose to the grindstone moment. He very heroic in the north, not only have to summon the wind fluttering colorful artificial snow, and to the South, he was a refined atmosphere of the southern infections, bearing up to become humble. In his recollection of the pace, falling from time to time the murky. Therefore the poet Yin Road: 484 Jiangnan Temple, the number of pavilions in the misty rain. He's busy and he carefully but in the depths of his heart, yet still warm ray, secretly diffusion. He carefully protected under the ice around the fish so that they escape the cold weather hit. He let the snow melt in the sun, infiltrated the arid land, the only way he knew, full of water next spring before the soil is more suitable for the growth of He Chimonanthus out of branches of the flowers, is everywhere in life feel better ... ...冬天是一个神色凝重的中年人,果敢,坚毅,从容不迫。他总是背负着沉甸甸的行囊,脚步匆匆。虽然他已没有年轻时的好奇和冲动,但他的身上仍然洋溢着奋斗的激情。他清醒地认识到自己正担当着承前启后的使命,有很多事情要做,一刻也不敢懈怠。在北方他极具豪气,不仅鼓起猎猎的寒风还要挥洒缤纷的雪片,而到了南方,他又被江南儒雅的氛围所感染,举止变得谦恭起来。在他的脚步所及之处,不时飘落迷蒙的丝雨。因此诗人吟道:江南四百八十四寺,多少楼台烟雨中。他的繁忙和谨慎令他不苟言笑,但在他的内心深处,仍不失一缕温情,暗暗弥散。他小心呵护着冰盖下游弋的鱼儿,让它们安然躲过寒冷的侵袭。他让积雪在太阳下融化,渗进干旱的土地,他知道惟有这样,来年春天饱含水分的土壤才更适宜禾苗生长。他让腊梅的枝头开出娇羞的花朵,令人们在满目萧索中感受到生命的美好……


第1个回答  2010-12-16