
不可否认,网络已极大改变了我们每个人的生活。请以The Internet Has Changed Our Lives 为题写一篇英语 ,更据下列所提示的性息写:


下面这些词必须在写出的文中要有的词:First of all ,secondly ,thirdly ,In a world
search for 搜寻 dounload下载 maferiols材料 spare fines闲暇时间 provide sb with sth 为某人提供某事 convenient方便的

The Internet Has Changed Our Lives
It's true that the Internet has greatly changed our lives.…

The Internet Has Changed Our Lives

First of all, the Internet has made the world a small place. We can talk to people all over the world and make friends.

Secondly, the Internet provides almost everything we need. We can read news, download music, search for interesting stories, etc. It provides us with tons of information, more than we need, you can see.

Third, it's made it so convenient for us to talk to friends and exchange ideas. We can send instant messages, send emails through QQ, MSN.

We play games online with friends. We can learn from the online courses, and download what we need as well as getting the information we need. We can even watch movies and listen to music online live.

In a word, the Internet has made our life better than ever. I love the Internet. Now much of my spare time is spent online and I'm having fun.
回答时间:2010-12-15 23:15

向TA求助 回答者: seainmyheart 来自团队 英语学习10 | 六级采纳率:25%

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回答 共4条

回答者: 热心网友 | 2010-12-15 23:10

交流是communicate with others
回答者: 刘北习56ASD | 二级 | 2010-12-15 23:16

The Internet Has Changed Our Lives
It is true that the Internet has greatly changed our lives.
First of all,the Internet changes the way that we study. You can log on the internet and search for whatever information you need. And you can also download materials and have online classes.That is fantastic!
Secondly,the Internet brings more fun to our daily lives.You can listen to the music,watch movies and even play games on the Internet in your spare times.
Thirdly,it is more convenient for us to make friends with people around the world by using Internet. For example,people can talk to their friends easily via E-mail,QQ or MSN,no matter if they live in the same place.
In a word,the Internet provides us with a lot of exciting changes in our lives. You just can't imagine how things will be if there is no Internet nowadays!
回答者: figofeng2010 | 一级 | 2010-12-15 23:45

The Internet Has Changed Our Lives
It's true that the Internet has greatly changed our lives.
First of all, through Internet, we can search for information we need, download necessary materials and take lessons in the visual classroom.
Secondly, internet is a good channel to spare our leisure times: listening music, watching movies as well as playing computer games.
Thirdly, Internet provides us with a convenient way to make friends with people all over the world by E-mail,QQ,MSN and so on.
In a world, Internet brings a new world in front of us with its numerous advantages and functions.
第1个回答  2010-12-15
The Internet Has Changed Our Lives

First of all, the Internet has made the world a small place. We can talk to people all over the world and make friends.

Secondly, the Internet provides almost everything we need. We can read news, download music, search for interesting stories, etc. It provides us with tons of information, more than we need, you can see.

Third, it's made it so convenient for us to talk to friends and exchange ideas. We can send instant messages, send emails through QQ, MSN.

We play games online with friends. We can learn from the online courses, and download what we need as well as getting the information we need. We can even watch movies and listen to music online live.

In a word, the Internet has made our life better than ever. I love the Internet. Now much of my spare time is spent online and I'm having fun.
第2个回答  2010-12-15
交流是communicate with others
第3个回答  2010-12-15
The Internet Has Changed Our Lives
It's true that the Internet has greatly changed our lives.
First of all, through Internet, we can search for information we need, download necessary materials and take lessons in the visual classroom.
Secondly, internet is a good channel to spare our leisure times: listening music, watching movies as well as playing computer games.
Thirdly, Internet provides us with a convenient way to make friends with people all over the world by E-mail,QQ,MSN and so on.
In a world, Internet brings a new world in front of us with its numerous advantages and functions.
第4个回答  2010-12-15
The Internet Has Changed Our Lives
It is true that the Internet has greatly changed our lives.
First of all,the Internet changes the way that we study. You can log on the internet and search for whatever information you need. And you can also download materials and have online classes.That is fantastic!
Secondly,the Internet brings more fun to our daily lives.You can listen to the music,watch movies and even play games on the Internet in your spare times.
Thirdly,it is more convenient for us to make friends with people around the world by using Internet. For example,people can talk to their friends easily via E-mail,QQ or MSN,no matter if they live in the same place.
In a word,the Internet provides us with a lot of exciting changes in our lives. You just can't imagine how things will be if there is no Internet nowadays!