

1. Watermelon: 西瓜的英文是watermelon。例句:西瓜内红外绿。A watermelon is red inside and green outside.
2. Peach: 桃子的英文是peach。例句:桃子成熟了。The peaches are ripe.
3. Orange: 橘子的英文是orange。例句:他爱吃橘子酱。He is fond of marmalade.
4. Apple: 苹果的英文是apple。例句:我想要一个苹果。I want an apple.
5. Pear: 梨的英文是pear。例句:慎判这梨带点酸味。This pear tastes a bit sour.
6. Mango: 芒果的英文是mango。例句:将芒果削皮、去核、切丁。Peel, stone and dice the mango.
7. Pineapple: 菠萝的英文是pineapple。例句:将菠萝对半切开,挖出里面的果肉。Halve the pineapple and scoop out the inside.
8. Banana: 香蕉的英文是banana。例句:用叉子把香蕉捣烂。Mash the bananas with a fork.
9. Cherry: 樱桃的英文是cherry。例句:樱桃树开始开花了。The cherry trees began to put forth their blossoms.
10. Strawberry: 草莓的英文是strawberry。例句:草莓应该种在向阳的场地。Strawberries should have a sunny place.
11. Grape: 葡萄的英文是grape。例句:这些葡萄熟了。These grapes are ripe.
12. Lemon: 柠檬的英文是lemon。例句:我从树上采了一个柠檬。I plucked a lemon from the tree.
13. Kiwifruit: 猕猴桃的英文是kiwifruit。例句:猕猴桃作为有益健康的零食是再好不过了。Kiwi fruit are just the thing for a healthy snack.
14. Grapefruit: 柚子的英文是grapefruit。例句:我今早喝了柚子汁。And I had grapefruit juice this morning.