

  1. The hui dishes are one of the eight greatest dishes in china . .

  2. Contents : 1 . displaying unique features of shandong food , anhui dish and yunnan cuisine
内容: 1 .展示鲁菜、徽菜、云南菜的独特风格。

  3. Yao yu - zhou in welcoming , warm welcome culinary experts inside and outside the province , huizhou masters to the ma on shan

  4. It is understood that the " new cuisine forum " and " build 100 of the 100 masters classic cuisine " food festival activities will be started opening of the first shot
据了解, “新徽菜论坛”和“百名大师打造百款经典徽菜”活动将会打响美食节开幕式的第一炮。

  5. The hotel , with a long - established reputation of " dining at golden coast " on hainan island , offers all kinds of chinese delicacies from guangdong , chaozhou , anhui , sichuan and huaiyang , as well as western - styled food

  6. The first mos food festival lasted nearly a month , will be carried out during the family private kitchens cooking contest , the new cuisine cooking competition , the exchange of chinese cuisine cooking show , characteristics such as flavor snack sales promotion activities

  7. Professional skills project , launched " new cuisine cooking competition " and " hotel services skills contest , " a competition not only demonstrate cooking techniques and the ma on shan restaurant service skills , and the ma on shan to promote the restaurant , hotel service levels rising
在专业技能项目上,推出“新徽菜烹饪大赛”和“酒店服务技能大赛” ,不仅展示比拼了马鞍山烹饪技艺和餐厅服务技能,而且促进了马鞍山的餐饮、酒店服务水平的不断提高。

  8. In extremely simple design created by the oriental hotel restaurant eats dongya flavor characteristics , farmers snacks , traditional huicai snacks , location flowers , healthy eating , health food and buddha country , let you appreciate the true meaning of the buddhist culture , buddhist culture grade classic

  9. At the opening ceremony , " cuisine build 100 of the classical masters cuisine " project results appeared for the first time , the traditional cuisine , folk cuisine , innovation cuisine different characteristics from both within and outside the catering industry hundreds of peer watched the modeling different dishes
开幕式上, “徽菜大师打造百款经典徽菜”工程成果首次亮相,传统徽菜、民俗徽菜、创新徽菜各具特色,来自省内外数百名餐饮业同行观摩了造型迥异的菜肴。