

1.They aren’t having an English class,they are playing football on the playground at the m________.
2.Eating dumplings is one of the t________ on the Spring Festival in China.
3.--What’s the w________ like in spring? --It’s very warm and windy.
4.I like Zhao Wei very much.I’m looking f________ to meeting her one day.
5.Wei fang is f________ for kites.

6.The mountain is ________ (低)than Mount Tai.
7.They often cycle to see their ________(妻子).
8.That country is too ________(危险).Don’t go to that country.
9.I have two ________ (字典).
10.Don’t make________ (更多的)mistakes like this.
________ New Year’s Day,we ________ ________ our new clothes and ________ our family and friends.
They bring us good luck ________ ________ ________ ________.
People will work ________ ________ ________ ________.
London is ________ ________ ________ ________ England.
________ ________ wants to go to school late.

After breakfast Mrs. Beckham starts packing the bags. She buys the tickes (票)to London Her husband works there and she and her children are going to fly(飞) there to see him. Thomas and Katy can't help her and she tells them to play outside.
“It often rains in London in autumn,”the woman says to herself.“I'd better take the umbrellas(伞). So I won't(不会)buy any when it rains there.”Suddenly, she hears Thomas cry and runs out at once. She asks,“What's the matter?”“Katy pulls(拉)my hair,”the boy says in tears.
“Don't be angry,”says the woman. “She's too young. She doesn't know pulling hair hurt.”And then she goes to the house again. After a short time there is more crying. She has to come out to see what the matter(事情)is. This time Thomas says, “Now she knows.”
( )6. Mr Beckman works in________.
A. America B. England C. France D. Canada
( )7. Mrs. Beckman will go to London by________.
A. car B. train C. plane D. bus
( )8. ________, so they can't help their mother.
A. The two children are too young.
B. The two children like playing. C. The two children are busy.
D. The two children want to rest.
( )9. Thomas cries because________.
A. Katy isn't friendly to him. B. Katy eats his fruit.
C. Katy doesn't play with him. D. Katy hurts him.
( )10. Thomas wants ________.
A. to forget the matter. B. to make Katy angry.
C. Katy to know pulling hair hurt D. Katy to go in the house