

作主语的词:名词,代词,名词化了的动词,形容词,分词,副词或数词等,动词不定式或不定式短语, 从句,某些固定词组。


(1)人称代词主格:I ,he,she,we,they,you,it。





it作主语构成(常用 v-ing,不常用只有 use,good)

(1)It is +adj. +of sb.(人的属性)/for sb.(物的属性)to do.

例:It is necessary to finish the design before National day. Tomorrow is National day.


(2)it is +n.+for/of sb. to do

例:It is not good manners for Arabs to stand close talking to their friends.






(4)it” 作形式主语:当表语为 no use,no good,no harm,any good,fun等名词或useless,nice,good,interesting,worthwhile等形容词时。

不定式作主语:To +动词原形。

Not to do:具有动词的性质,作宾语,状语/具有名词的性质,作主语/具有形容词性质,作定语/具有副词的性质,作状语。除谓语不可作之外,其他都可。

(1)一般式:to do

(2)进行时:to be doing

(3)完成时:to have done

(4)完成进行时:to have been doing

to do:表示动作发生在谓语之后,I want to go home.与谓语动词几乎同时发生

to be doing :表示与谓语动词同时发生

to have done:发生在谓语动词之前 Someone was considered to have done something.

to have been doing :动作从过去开始一直持续到谓语动词这个动作的发生


第1个回答  推荐于2019-08-09


人称代词主格:I ,he,she,we,they,you,it.






主语是 句子中的陈述对象,与 英语语法也有相似之处。常常由名词、 代词、或 名词性短语充当。形容词、动词、 谓语性短语和 主谓短语也可充当主语。 句子成分划分时,主语符号为双横线。


第2个回答  2020-03-13


第3个回答  2017-04-11
作主语的词:名词,代词,名词化了的动词,形容词,分词,副词或数词等,动词不定式或不定式短语, 从句,某些固定词组的第二格。
1. 名词作主语
  直到河里的鱼死了,村民们才意识到污染的危害。The villagers didn't realize how serious the pollution was until the fish in the river died.   S+ V t +O. 主系表结构 :S+V   倒装:Not until the fish in the river died did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.   注意:倒装在主句,从句不倒装 /did 和not 提前,只剩动词原形   强调:It was not until the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.   如果强调的是主语或宾语且指人用who,其他一律用that。是that,而非其他/主句的顺序((倒装不强调,强调就不倒装))
  人称代词(主格),名词性代词,指示代词,不定代词,such(----样的人、物),it(时间,天气,距离等)   at midnight /in the(泛指)middle of the night   It is 9 o'clock when I went home.   It was ten when I got home.一般句   It was at ten that I got home.强调句   I got home at ten.原形   注释:作主语在句首/it作主语构成(常用 v-ing,不常用只有 use,good)   It is +adj. +of sb.(人的属性)/for sb.(物的属性)to do   It is necessary to finish the design before National day. Tomorrow is National day.   it is +n.+for/of sb. to do   It is not good manners for Arabs to stand close talking to their friends.   It is a great honor for us to be invited to the party.   在感叹句中必须用it作形式主语:What a joy/ pleasure (it is) to read the book.   在问句中必须用形式主语:Is it possible to go to the moon by spaceship?
  Ten out of 100 Americans are over /above /more than 65.
  一般 / 完成时   v-ing: 主动/doing/having done   not doing:被动/being done/having done   注意:doing 无时间限定/与谓语同时出现/在谓语动词后发生having done发生在谓语之前   He still remembers being prized.   当逻辑主语为无生命的东西时   a.作主语时,通常表示一般性的无时间性的东西。而不定式表示某一种具体的动作。   Smoking is hobbit difficult to break.   b.主语和表语一致   Seeing is believing.   c.逻辑主语必须是所有格形式   Smoking kills.   d. it 作形式主语:It is no use/good-----   The old man's taking pity on the snake leads to his death.那个老头怜悯那条蛇,导致他的死亡。
  To +动词原形   Not to do 解释:具有动词的性质,作宾语,状语/具有名词的性质,作主语/具有形容词性质,作定语/具有副词的性质,作状语。除谓语不可作之外,其他都可。   一般式:to do   进行时:to be doing   完成时:to have done   完成进行时:to have been doing   to do:表示动作发生在谓语之后,I want to go home.与谓语动词几乎同时发生   to be doing :表示与谓语动词同时发生   to have done:发生在谓语动词之前 Someone was considered to have done something.   to have been doing :动作从过去开始一直持续到谓语动词这个动作的发生   不定式表示一种确定的动作   To do morning exercises this morning is not good for your healthy.
  the poor / the disabled /the sick
  From my home to school is three kilometers.   副词----不定式或动名词   What an excitement to find a shark when you’re swimming in the sea.
  1)that引导的从句,无意义,不担当句子成分,不省略   A. It +v+ that从句   It +系动词+表语+that 从句   It is strange that he didn't come here yesterday.   当形容词为important necessary strange /that should +动词原形   It is strange that he should (表示吃惊)pass the exam.   2. It is +n +that 从句   What a pity it is that you didn't come to this party.   当名词为a pity/a shame /a surprise +should +v原形(表示竟然)   What a pity that she should be fail in exam.   3. It is +过去分词+that 从句   It is report that a car accident happened there.   从句s +be v-ed + inf.   He is said to be studying in the USA.   有人建议suggest/order/request + 从句 should +动词原形   4. It +动词原形seem/appear /turn out/+that   It seems that it will rain.   5. It strikes sb. that 从句 ,某人突然想   It occurs to sb. that-----   B.为强调从句意义,that从句常放在句首   That he will come here is of great help.   That you failed the exam will   --What made his father so angry?   --That he failed the exam. 或He fails the exam.   c.在问句中必须有形式主语   It is true that Bush will visit China again?   2) Whether /if是否不担当句子成分,也不省略   A.句首只用whether   Whether he will come to the meeting is unknown yet.   B.句末形式主语都可用 It ----whether/if   It is of no/little important whether/if it will rain today.   c.在有些句型中,从句不在前 It doesn't matter whether ----   It doesn't matter whether it is new/it will rain tomorrow.   3) 连接代词 who /whom/whose/what/which/担当从句成分,有意义,不省略   A. what +sb. + clause   What we will do next is not decided.   B. what+修饰词 意为什么样的……   What color you like is none of my business.   C. what ……人,……事,……物   What he said at the meeting surprised everyone present.   注意:what前是否有先行词/与that 之间的区别   That he said it at the meeting surprised everyone present.   What 与which 的区别   Which/what you want---若给定范围用which,没有用what。   What ---be that---强调句的一种(强调后者)   What I need most is that someone helps me.   There be +what clause   There was we call People's Republic of China in Chinese history.   What +比较级 what more /what worse   what引导从句作状语修饰全句的内容。在句首或句中,很少在句尾   Which +n (single)   Whose +n(只用此)   Whose father is a doctor is no sense.   It从句作形式主语(what……人或物时,不用it)   4)连接副词 when/whose/how/why担当句子成分,有意义,不省略   How the accident happened puzzled everyone.句尾用形式主语it   5) 引导主语从句   whoever/whosever/whatever/whichever/Anywhere/anything that /everyone that/whoever=anyone whom/anything that (泛指)/anything what (特指)   Whoever 指人从意义判断   Who 引导指事   Since the introduction of reform, China has made earth shaking changes.自从改革以来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。
  Das Auto ist repariert. (名词)   汽车修好了。   Er ist ein Lehrer. (代词)   他是教师。   Das Ein- und Ausschalten dieses Instrument ist automatisch. (动名词)   这个仪器的开和关是自动的。   Der Alte ist noch sehr gesund. (形容词)   这位老人还很健康。   Die Reisenden sind schon seit Stunden muede. (第一分词)   旅途上的人已在几小时前就累了。   Heute ist vieles anderes als frueher. (副词)   现在跟以前已有很多不同。   Die Tausend ist ein vierstellige Zahl. (数词)   千是个四位的数字。   Trinken ist in der Arbeit verboten. (第一不定式)   工作时间不准喝酒。   Mit dir zusammen zu arbeiten ist kein Spass. (不定式短语)   跟你一起工作没一点儿意思。   Es ist nicht einfach, den Wettbewerb zu gewinnen . (不定式短语/形式主语es)   赢得竞赛并不简单。   Dass meine Freundin zu mir kommt , freut mir sehr. (从句)   我女友的到来,令我非常高兴。   Unseres Bleibens ist hier nicht laenger. (固定词组第二格)   我们不在这儿停留多长。
  主语是句子中的陈述对象,与英语语法也有相似之处。常常由名词、代词、或名词性短语充当。谓语性短语和主谓短语也可充当主语。句子成分划分时,主语符号为双横线   例如:   冰雪融化了,草儿绿了,春天来了。(冰雪、草儿、春天,名词作主语)   一米等于一百厘米。(一米,数词做主语)   他们终于登上了山峰。(他们,代词作主语)   每个人的学习方法都不同。(每个人的学习方法,名词性短语作主语)   和平与发展是当今世界的两大主题。(和平与发展,并列短语作主语)   吃的是草,挤出来的是奶。(吃的、挤出来的,动词性短语作主语)   学开车很是不容易。(学开车,动宾短语作主语)   人多了很危险。(人多了,主谓短语做主语)   优美的音乐令人陶醉。(音乐,作主语)   主语的类型:   1.施事主语:主语在句子中是动作行为的发出者。   例如:大家要积极参加学校活动。(“大家”是主语)   2.受事主语:主语在句中是动作行为的承受者。   例如:校报还没有印出来。(“校报”是主语)   3.中性主语:主语在句子中既不是施事,也不是受事,而是被描写、说明、判断的对象。又叫“关系主语”。   例如:我们的前程很美好。(“前程”是主语,是被描写的对象)   小明十六岁了。(“小明”是主语,是被说明的对象)   北京是祖国的心脏。(“北京”是主语,是被判断的对象)[1]
第4个回答  2017-04-10
人称代词主格:I ,he,she,we,they,you,it.