Don't want to do sth.为什么want 后要跟to呢?do后不是用动词原型吗


有的动词后面就是要用to do sth
如teach somebody to do something

want (somebody) to do something追答

如let somebody do something

1. Want sth
a) Marilyn, you want coffee or tea? Marilyn,你是要咖啡还是茶?
b) Don't you want something to eat? 您想吃点什么?
c) Sure, what do you want? 可以啊,什么事?
2. Want sb /doing sth/to do sth
a) I want my daddy! 我要我爸爸!
b) He doesn't want anybody picking him up. 他不愿意让别人接他.
c) Well... they want me to, 这……他们希望这样.
3. Want to do sth
a) I want to leave the phone number of the restaurant...我要留餐厅的电话号码给她.
b) I want to put some of my good hangers in Grandpa's closet. 我想在爷爷的衣橱放几个好的衣架.
c) Do you want to sit by the window? 想靠窗坐吗?
d) I want to spend more time with Robbie. 我想多花点时间和Robbie在一起.
4. Want to be
a) She wants to be here for Grandpa. 她原希望在家等候爷爷.
1. want当“动词”,意思是“想要、需要、要、想、希望”.
A. want + n.
例: I want a hot dog, please.
B. want + to do,
例: He wants to help you.
C. want + sb. + to do
例: She wants you to come in.
D. want + doing
例: My coat wants washing.
请注意: 此时, want = need, 我前面的主语是物,不是人.
2. want当“名词”,意思是“缺乏、需要、愿望”.
例: The villages have a want of water. 这些村庄缺水.
例: Learning English well is our want. 学好英语是我们的愿望.
3. want用于成语: want for nothing什么也不缺
(be) wanting in缺乏 (not) want for (不)缺乏
want in (out) 想进(出)去 in want穷困,生活困难
【拓展】 would like与want 同意,但其语气较want委婉一些.

第1个回答  2017-03-06
