

remain [ri'mein] vi.
1. 留下;停留;逗留:
He remained in the hospital for a solid month.他在医院里住了整整一个月。
2. 剩下;余留;残存:
Only a bowl and a pair of chopsticks remained on the table.桌子上只剩下一个碗和一双筷子。
3. 保持;继续;仍然处于;依然:
He remained single all his life.他打了一辈子光棍。
I haven't seen them for ten years.They remain as they were.我十年没见他们了,他们还是从前那样。
4. 留待;尚待:
The most difficult part remains to you to complete it. 最难做的这一部分留给你去完成。
5. 取决于;属于:
The honour remained with our motherland.光荣属于我们的祖国。

keep [ki:p] vt.
1. 保留,保存,留下:
May I keep the book?我可以留下这本书吗?
2. 保管,存放:
I'll keep it for a souvenir.我要将它保存下来作为纪念。
Please keep my suitcase while I leave for a ticket.我去买票时请替我保管一下手提箱。
3. 保守(秘密等): to keep a secret 保守秘密
4. 履行(诺言),遵守(惯例、常规、饮食规定等),维护:
to keep a promise 守约 to keep law 守法
5. 开设,管理,经营: to keep a shop 经营商店
His mother came to keep house for them. 他的母亲来为他们料理家务。
6. 照顾,养活,抚养:
She kept her sister's children for a week while she was ill. 在她姐姐生病的一周时间里她替姐姐照看孩子。
to keep a family 养家
7. 庆祝,纪念;过(节、生日等):
to keep one's birthday 庆祝生日
to keep Christmas 过圣诞节
8. 经销,经售:
Do you keep postcards?你们经销明信片吗?
9. 喂养,饲养(牲畜):
They keep cattle on their farm. 他们在农场上养牛。
10. 记载,记录;记(账、日记等):
to keep a diary 记日记
to keep books 记账
11. 记住:
to keep something in mind 记住某事
12. 雇用:to keep servants 雇用仆人
13. 防止,制止;预防,妨碍,耽搁:
What kept her from coming yesterday? 她昨天为什么没来?
You must keep the little boy from hurting himself. 你一定要提防那小男孩伤了自己。
14. 拘留,扣留,监禁:
to keep somebody in prison 把某人关进监狱里
15. 阻止离开,留住:
The children behaved badly and so the teacher kept them after school. 孩子们表现极差,所以放学后老师把他们留下来。
16. 保卫,守卫,守护:
to keep a town against the enemy 保卫城市不被敌人占领
to keep goal 守(球)门
18. 使继续保持着(某种状态):
The employer kept them working all day. 那位雇主让他们整天干活。
Keep the fire burning. 让火一直烧着。
19. 与…交往:
to keep good friends 交好朋友
20. 留在(某处),保持在(床上等)不动: to keep the house 足不出户
He was so ill that he kept his bed all day. 他病得很厉害,一整天都卧床不起。
1. 保持,维持,继续(处于某种状态):
Don't keep silent! 不要保持沉默!
I would have soon found the one I wanted if the books had kept in order. 如果书籍摆放整齐了,我本可以很快就会找到我想要的那本书了。
2. (食物等)能保存;能持久不坏,保存好:
The meat will keep overnight. 这肉过夜不会坏。
How long will this butter keep? 这黄油能保存多久?
3. 可拖延,能耽搁,不要求马上注意:
The problem won't keep till tomorrow. 这问题不能拖到明天。
4. [美国口语](商店等)开着;(学校)继续上课:
This cafe keeps late into the night. 这家咖啡馆一直开到深夜。
Will school keep all day? 学校全天开课吗?
5. (路线、方向等)被保持住:
Traffic in China keeps to the right. 在中国车辆靠右侧行驶。
6. (秘密)被守住: I don't think the secret will keep. 我认为这秘密没法保得住。
7. 交往:
He is able to keep with his classmates well. 他与他的同学交往很融洽。
8. [英国口语]住,呆,逗留:
Where do you keep in town? 你在城里住哪?
第1个回答  2011-03-22
The flowers show lasted a week. 花展持续了一周。
How long will this battery last?
2、keep ①保持、保留(存),如:
He may keep the book until you come back.
You can keep it if you like it.
She has kept the cat these ten years.
3、continue①(continue是不间断的继续,而last 是中断、间断时又继续,如:
This road continued for miles.
②The rain continued three days.
My parents went out, but I remained at home.
The wall of the old temple still remains.
She remained silent.


