英语作文 如何缓解考试焦虑情绪

内容包括1考试焦虑情绪的危害 2你的见解
必须涉及的要点1 正确认识考试,制定科学的学习计划

词数120左右 快呀!


1. 用英语简单句罗列要点

a) Some of us always worry ourselves with the questions in exam.
b) b) It will do harm to our test scores and health
c) We should do well by the exam.(或者 look on the exam correctly)
d) We ought to make a suitable study plan.
e) It is important to have a well mental state, do some moderate sports and listen to the music.
f) It is necessary that we have a full sleep and a even diet.

2. 用过度词语和关联手段把要点梳理成文

Some of us always worry ourselves with the questions in exam. IIt will do harm to our test scores and health. (How should we do?) (Firstly, I think) we should do well by the exam. We ought to make a suitable study plan. (Besides ,) it is essential to have a well mental state, do some moderate sports and listen to the music. (The most important,) it is necessary that we have a full sleep and an even diet.

3. 用较复杂的语言手段进行润色

Some of us always worry ourselves with the questions (when we sit in the examination room). IIt will do harm to our test scores and health. (Why such a feeling is always apt to come into being) and how should we do? Firstly, I think we should do well by the exam (by means of) making a study plan, (for a suitable one will give us self-confidence). Besides, it is essentialt, (I believe,) to have a well mental state (at ordinary time), do some moderate sports everyday and listen to the music (when we are free), (which will make us keep in high spirits). The most important, it is necessary, (of course,) that we have a full sleep and an even diet. (If we can live up to all the above, we are sure that the all unwanted nerves are to be overcomed).
第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-04
How to deal with test anxiety
Most studentes experience some level of anxiety during exams, however, when exams affect exam performance, it has become a problem. Students have to consider their situations, and set up reasonable plan for dealing with anxiety caused by exams.
Firstly, students should understand what is the purpose of the exams,so that they're likely to set up the scientific plan, and voluntarily implement the tasks in the plan.
Secondly, having positive attitudes towards exams can help students balance some of uneven psychological problems. In addition, doing some outdoor exercises and listening to the music can also relax yourself and have your tasks done more efficiently.
Last not the lest, having a good sleep and balancing nutrition in your food, students could reduce many physical problems in the test day, and it's also good for improving efficiency during preparation period.
All in all, students should get well-prepared both in psychology and in physiology before and during the exams to deal with the test anxiety.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-04-06
Owing to the force-feeding approach to education, we students are being confronted with a host of tests. And the issue of how to treat tests properly has become a frequent topic of discussion.
To avoid the detrimental ramifications that the tests may bring about, we should make a retional scheme with regard to study. In addition to this, we would be well-advised to maintain a positive attitude, work out modestly, listen to soothing music etc. Last but not least, we are supposed to keep adequate sleep and a well-balanced diet.
Surely, we are expected to conduct a wide range of effective measures to ease the stress and tension stemming from tests.