初中英语所有的关联词 100分送上!!

求初中英语所有的关联词!! 要正确!!
我的意思是说类似either or . neither nor ..not only. but also ........这些关联词

连词是一种在句子与句子之间,短语之间以及名词等其他词语之间起连接作用的虚词,它不能单独作句子的成份。按其意义可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。�并列连词连接的双方是对等的。常有的并列连词有and, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, as well as等。但如果连接的两部分意义不趋向一致,意义有转折的并列连词有:but, however, while (而),only (只不过)。还有表示选择关系的并列连词,如:or, or else, otherwise… 再有的是连接双方,互为因果,或表示前因后果的连词有:for, so, therefore (因此),then等。�从属连词在初中范围内常常用来连接名词性从句,如:that, if, whether, 其次用来连接状语从句。其中有原因状语从句,常用的连接词有:when while, as, since, before, after, once, as soon as, until, till 连接条件状语的连词有:if, unless, as long as 等,而原因状语的连接词有because, since, as, now that (既然)。目的、结果、方式、比较、地点等状语从句的连接词有:so that, so…that, such…that, as…as, than, where… 它们在句子与文章中几乎无处不见。�具体用法见下表。�
种类 功用 例句
并列连词 连接具有并列关系的 词 He knows neither English nor French.
短语 Are you going by bus or on foot?
分句 Mary was a good girl, but she had one shortcoming.
从属连词 引导: 状语从句 I'll do it as you told me.
You will be late unless you hurry.
连接代词和连接副词 主语从句 What he said proved true.
When we'll start has not been decided yet.
表语从句 This is why he didn't come yesterday.
That is where he lives.
宾语从句 The man asked me which I liked best.�
I can't understand why she is so late.
关系代词和关系副词 定语从句 Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking.�
He came last night when I was out.
第1个回答  2011-04-07
1) 先后次序关系:at this time; first; second; at last; next;previously; simultaneously; eventually;last but not least;to begin with;to start with;to end with;finally;seeing...;since then;first of all;afterwards; following this; preceding this.
2) 因果关系:because;because of this;being that;another important factor/reason of... ; since; as; for; in that...; owing to; due to; for the reason that...; in view of; the reason seems to be obvious; there are about... ;for this reason; as a result of this; therefore;...and so...; consequently;as a result; thus; hence; so;so that...; in consequence; as a consequence; accordingly; inevitably; under these conditions; thereupon.
3) 转折关系:but;even so;however;though;even though;independent of;reckless of ;despite that; in spite of that; regardless of; yet...;and yet; but unless.
4) 并列关系: and; also;too;as well as;either...,or...;both...and...
5) (补充)递进关系: furthermore;moreover;further;In this way ;still; not only...but also...; not...but...; in addition (to);additionally, much more interesting, more specifically, next, besides; as far as... is concerned; moreover;in other words;along this line of consideration;on the one hand...,on the other hand...; even; as a poplar saying goes...;in order to do it...; meanwhile; at the same time; accordingly; In the first place...,in the second place...;equally important; of even greater appeal.
6) 比较关系: similarly; in like manner, in comparison with;when compared with;compared with;when in fact...; like...; likewise; similarly important; apart from (doing)...; ... rather than...,by doing so ;both…and...; in the same way; not only...but (also).
7) 对照(不同点):yet; still; for all of that; notwithstanding; rather; neither ... nor; although; though; but; however; something is just the other way around;yet; conversely; unlike; opposed to; as opposed to ; in contrast (to); by way of;on the contrary;different from this;as opposed to this; nevertheless; contrary to; whereas; while;but on the other hand.
8) 举例关系:for example; for instance; in this case; namely; as you know; you may as/say; as he explains; like; such as; a case in point is...; consider...; in particular;including...;for one thing...,for another...;put it simply;stated roughly; as an illustration, I will say...; a good example (of...)would be...;to detail this,I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...;in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something); as for; as regards; as to; according to; on this occasion.
9) 强调关系:in fact; especially;particularly;moreover;naturally; what is more important; in reality; certainly; of course; indeed; in particular;not to mention...;believe it or not;undeniably; other thing being equal;it is certain/sure that...;to be strict; to be true;by definition; definitely; undoubtedly; without a doubt; in truth, in any event(不论怎样); without reservation(毫无保留地); obviously, not only.. but(also...), both... and...
10) 条件关系: if;unless; lest;provided that;if it is the case;in this sense;once...;if possible;if necessary;if so;if not all; if anything.
11) 归纳总结类: in other words;on the whole; in sum; therefore;hence;in short;in brief;to sum up;in conclusion; in summary; to conclude; the conclusion can be drawn that...; for this reason; in short.
12) 地点关系:beyond; opposite to; adjacent to; at the same place; there; over; in the middle; around; in front of; in the distance; farther; here and there; above; below; at the right; between; on this side.
13) 目的关系:with this object; for this purpose; in order that; in this way, since; so that; on that account; in case; with a view to; for the same reason.
14) 重申关系:in other words; that is to say; as I have said; again; once again.
15) 结果关系:accordingly; thus; consequently; hence; therefore; thereupon; inevitably; under these conditions; as a result; as a consequence; because; because of; so that; not only...but (also...); so... as to.
16) 顺序关系:first; second; thirdly; next; then; at the outset(在开始时),following this; at this time; now; at this point; after; afterward; after this; subsequently; lastly; finally; consequently; before this; previously; preceding this; simultaneously; concurrently(同时).
17) 时间关系:at once; immediately; at length; in the mean time; meanwhile; at the same time; in the end; then; soon; not long after; later; at once; at last; finally; some time ago; at present; all of a sudden; from this time on; from time to time; since then; when; whenever; next point; a few minutes later; formerly; as; once; since; occasionally; in a moment; shortly; whereupon; previously

如果你要看的话这些就够了,不能看太多哦,要把重点的圈出来。因为英语作文虽然说连接是重要的,但是内容取胜更重要。记几个不错的。这样子才会有提高。 这么多要取其精华,弃其糟粕。本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-04-06
Firstly, secondly, thirdly, at firstly, at last, in a word, all in all, however, in additition, in the contrary, by contrast, not only... but also, neither... nor, prefer to... rather than, in my view.暂时就想这么多,其他的一时想不起来了.
第3个回答  2011-04-07
but;even so;however;though;even though;independent of;reckless of ;despite that; in spite of that; regardless of; yet...;and yet; but unless.
like; such as; a case in point is...; consider...; in particular;including...;for one thing...,for another...;put it simply;stated roughly; as an illustration, I will say...; a good example (of...)would be...;to detail this,I would like to...; It is interesting to note that...;in this situation; as proof; take the case of; take as example (something); as for; as regards; as to; according to; on this occasion.