高中的单词 20个就可以了 初一下学期第五单元的词组


= =江苏苏州的。。
七年级下学期Unit 5
next to紧靠着,紧挨
look out朝外看,小心
rain a lot雨下得多
on the fifth of June在6/5
on the seventh floor 在六/七楼
more than 超过
on a quiet street 在一条安静的街道上
in the front of 在……前面
between…and…在…… 和…… 之间
on the teacher‘s desk 在讲台上
can't wait to do迫不及待做某事
one million,two hundred thousand and twenty-six 1,200,026
be different from 与…… 不同
your own bedroom你自己的卧室
at least 至少
fifty metres long 50米长
one tin of dog food一听狗粮
play badminton打羽毛球
lots of things to do许多要做的事
tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事
for example例如
go shopping去购物
pay a little money(for)花一点钱
choose any food you like选择你喜欢的任何食物
the state of 处于……的状况
40 minutes away from距离……40 分钟的路程
how much/many 多少
belong to 属于
plan to do sth.计划做某事
hold a welcome party for sb为某人举行欢迎会
prepare for food and drink for the party为聚会准备食物和饮料
become good friends with…与……成为朋友
work of art艺术品
show sb. around带领某人参观
be sure确信
be careful小心
be careful with…小心……
be careful to do sth做某事谨慎
give a seat to someone 给某人让座
clean up收拾干净,清理
the 79-year-old Mrs Sun 79岁的孙太太
put out扑灭,使……熄灭
put on穿上
put off推迟
put up举起,张贴
put away把……收拾起来
bring sb. sth. 给某人带来某物
leave…on 让……开着
think of考虑,想起
be good at 擅长
be good for 对……有好处
be good to对……友善
go skiing去滑雪
forget to do sth忘记去干某事
at that moment 当时
at the moment现在,此刻
in a moment很快,马上
do one's best 尽某人的最大努力
not …at all一点也不
look after照看,保管
lose one's way 迷路
hear from 收到来信