请擅长英语的朋友帮翻译一下,谢谢 。不要在线翻译

意译法是指不保留原习语的形式和修辞,而只传递其意思的翻译方法。有些习语,由于语言结构和文化背景的缘故,直译可能无法准确传递源语的文化内涵,而且在译语中又找不到合适的词语来替代,并容易将译语文化强加到源语文化中,这时应采取意译法进行翻译。如 “Two heads are better than one”,如果按字面直译成“两个头比 一个好”的话则会令人费解,而应意译为 “人多智慧大”。又如“A new broom sweeps clean”,不能直译为“新扫帚扫得干净”,而应意译为“新官上任三把火”。意译法较常用在源于典故的习语翻译中。


文化信息部分对应的习语可以借用文化色彩相似的译入语的习语,即借用法。有些英汉习语的字面意义、形象 意义略有差异,但它们的隐含意义完全相同,所传达出的文化信息又基本相同,这样的习语则可以采用借用法进行 互译,套用译入语中现成的习语。如英语中的 “practice makes perfect”与汉语中的 “熟能生巧”相符; “grow like mushrooms”可用相近的成语 “雨后春笋”来表达;而习语“a cat on hot bricks”可译成“热锅上的蚂蚁”。

2, the author calls

The author calls refers not retain the original idioms forms and rhetoric, and only deliver its translation methods of meaning.

Some idioms, due to the language structure and cultural background's sake, literal translation may not be accurate deliver the source language culture connotation, and in the receptor language and couldn't find the right words to replace, and easy to receptor language culture on the source language culture means should be taken to verse translation.

如 “Two heads are better than one”,如果按字面直译成“两个头比 一个好”的话则会令人费解,而应意译为 “人多智慧大”。
Such as "hero heads to" and, if I than by 25 as "literally translates as head than a good" Two words will be confusing, and more people should be free translation is "big". Wisdom

又如“A new broom sweeps clean”,不能直译为“新扫帚扫得干净”,而应意译为“新官上任三把火”。
And as "A new broom sweeps clean", not literal translation for "the new broom sweeps clean", but should be ranked as "A new broom sweeps clean."

The author calls in the more commonly used in translation of idioms from allusions.

Three, use method

Cultural information part of idioms can borrow corresponding culture color similar the target language idioms, namely borrow method.

有些英汉习语的字面意义、形象 意义略有差异,但它们的隐含意义完全相同,所传达出的文化信息又基本相同,这样的习语则可以采用借用法进行 互译,套用译入语中现成的习语。
Some of the literal meaning of English and Chinese idioms slightly different, image meaning, but they are all the same, the implicit meaning that conveys cultural information and basic same, such idioms, can use borrow method, applying the target language translation of idioms in ready-made.

如英语中的 “practice makes perfect”与汉语中的 “熟能生巧”相符;
If English dexterity comes by the "in Chinese," and "practice makes perfect" match;

“grow like mushrooms”可用相近的成语 “雨后春笋”来表达;
"Grow mushrooms" like the idiom "popping near available" to express;

而习语“a cat on hot bricks”可译成“热锅上的蚂蚁”。
And idioms "a cat on hot bricks" can be translated into "an ant on a hot pan".
第1个回答  2011-04-14
2, the author calls

The author calls refers not retain the original idioms forms and rhetoric, and only deliver its translation methods of meaning.

Some idioms, due to the language structure and cultural background's sake, literal translation may not be accurate deliver the source language culture connotation, and in the receptor language and couldn't find the right words to replace, and easy to receptor language culture on the source language culture means should be taken to verse translation.

如 “Two heads are better than one”,如果按字面直译成“两个头比 一个好”的话则会令人费解,而应意译为 “人多智慧大”。
Such as "hero heads to" and, if I than by 25 as "literally translates as head than a good" Two words will be confusing, and more people should be free translation is "big". Wisdom

又如“A new broom sweeps clean”,不能直译为“新扫帚扫得干净”,而应意译为“新官上任三把火”。
And as "A new broom sweeps clean", not literal translation for "the new broom sweeps clean", but should be ranked as "A new broom sweeps clean."

The author calls in the more commonly used in translation of idioms from allusions.

Three, use method

Cultural information part of idioms can borrow corresponding culture color similar the target language idioms, namely borrow method.

有些英汉习语的字面意义、形象 意义略有差异,但它们的隐含意义完全相同,所传达出的文化信息又基本相同,这样的习语则可以采用借用法进行 互译,套用译入语中现成的习语。
Some of the literal meaning of English and Chinese idioms slightly different, image meaning, but they are all the same, the implicit meaning that conveys cultural information and basic same, such idioms, can use borrow method, applying the target language translation of idioms in ready-made.

如英语中的 “practice makes perfect”与汉语中的 “熟能生巧”相符;
If English dexterity comes by the "in Chinese," and "practice makes perfect" match;

“grow like mushrooms”可用相近的成语 “雨后春笋”来表达;
"Grow mushrooms" like the idiom "popping near available" to express;

而习语“a cat on hot bricks”可译成“热锅上的蚂蚁”。
And idioms "a cat on hot bricks" can be translated into "an ant on a hot pan
第2个回答  2011-04-09
2.free translation
Free translation is a kind of translation that doesn't keep the form and rhetoric of the original term but only convey the meaning.For some idioms,literal translation may not be able to convey the origial language's culture connotation because of language structure and culture background and they can't be replaced by appropriate words in the target language.In addition,it's easy to impose the target language culture on the original language culture.We should translate these idioms using free translation in this case.For example,"Two heads are better than one",if we translate it into "两个头比一个好" according to the literal meaning,it will be difficult for us to understand.And we should translate it into "人多智慧大".For another instance,“A new broom sweeps clean”,can't be tanslated into “新扫帚扫得干净" literally but should be tranlated into“新官上任三把火”using free translation。Free translation is often used in translating idioms which originate from allutions.

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3.borrowing the corresponding idiom
The idioms corresponding with the culture information can borrow the idioms in the target language which are similar to the meaning in the original language that is the so-called borrowing the corresponding idiom.Some English idioms' literal meanings,forms or meanings
are slightly different,but their implied meanings are completely same and they conveyed the same culture information.Those idioms can be translated using the method of borrowing the corresponding idioms which use the ready-made idioms in target language.For example,"Practice makes perfect" in English correspond with "熟能生巧" in Chinese.“Grow like mushrooms”can be expressed by the similar idiom "雨后春笋" and the idiom that a cat on hot bricks can be translated into "热锅上的蚂蚁".

第3个回答  2011-04-09
2、 the author calls
The author calls refers not retain the original idioms forms and rhetoric, and only deliver its translation methods of meaning. Some idioms, due to the language structure and cultural background's sake, literal translation may not be accurate deliver the source language culture connotation, and in the receptor language and couldn't find the right words to replace, and easy to receptor language culture on the source language culture means should be taken to verse translation. Such as "hero heads to" and, if I than by 25 as "literally translates as head than a good" Two words will be confusing, and more people should be free translation is "big". Wisdom And as "A new broom sweeps clean", not literal translation for "the new broom sweeps clean", but should be ranked as "A new broom sweeps clean." The author calls in the more commonly used in translation of idioms from allusions.

3、use method
Cultural information part of idioms can borrow corresponding culture color similar the target language idioms, namely borrow method. Some of the literal meaning of English and Chinese idioms slightly different, image meaning, but they are all the same, the implicit meaning that conveys cultural information and basic same, such idioms, can use borrow method, applying the target language translation of idioms in ready-made. If English dexterity comes by the "in Chinese," and "practice makes perfect" match; "Grow mushrooms" like the idiom "popping near available" to express; And idioms "a cat on hot bricks" can be translated into "an ant on a hot pan".
第4个回答  2011-04-08
Sit back and wait
Song is the state-owned farmer fields dig. Suddenly, he saw a hare from the adjacent grass sprang a panic, the one hit the child on Tanabe's stump, then down there in a motionless. Farmers take a look at the past: the rabbit was dead. Because it is running too fast to have hit off his neck (shé) of the. Farmers delighted, and he did not spend a little effort, they picked up a fat, white hare great. He thought to himself; if every day, picked up a hare and the days like before. Since then, he could no longer refuse to farming out the strength of the. Every day, he hoes on the side, lying on the stump on the child front, waiting for just the second, third only to hare up his son hit the stump. In the world can there be so many cheap things ah. Farmers of course, no longer picked up the hare killed and his land was lying fallow