你(Li Yuan)组织同学进行了一次烧烤野餐(barbecue)。请给你的英国朋友Tim写一?

你(Li Yuan)组织同学进行了一次烧烤野餐(barbecue)。请给你的英国朋友Tim写一封电子邮件,内容包括:·野餐前的准备;·野餐过程;·印象最深刻的人或事。

Directions:For this part, you are supposed to write an essay in English in 100 - 120 words based>61.(Li Yuan)组织同学进行了一次烧烤野餐(barbecue)。






Last week we had a barbecue on the beach. 上周我们在海滩上举行了烧烤野餐。


There is a lot of smoke in the air above the city. 城市的上空有许多烟雾。

We were flying above the clouds. 我们在云层上面飞行。

The sun sank below the horizon. 太阳落到了地平线下。

There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water. 水面下有许多鱼。

第1个回答  2019-10-26
你(Li Yuan)组织同学进行了一次烧烤野餐(barbecue)。给你的英国朋友Tim写一电邮,如下:
Hello Tim,
We had a lovely barbecue last Sunday.
Preparation of the barbecue took us a lot time because we had to go to supermarket to buy all materials and ingredients .
The big problem was that we had to find a place where we could do our barbecue because of smoking from barbecue may result pollution which is not allowed in the city or near the residential area.
But we did enjoy foods we made from barbecue.
Please see the attached photos.
All the best,
Li Yuan追答

你(Li Yuan)组织同学进行了一次烧烤野餐(barbecue)。给你的英国朋友Tim写一电邮,如下:
Hello Tim,
We had a lovely barbecue last Sunday.
Preparation of the barbecue took us a lot time because we had to go to supermarket to buy all materials and ingredients .
The big problem was that we had to find a place where we could do our barbecue because of smoking from barbecue may result pollution which is not allowed in the city or near the residential area.
But we did enjoy foods we made from barbecue.
Please see the attached photos.
All the best,
Li Yuan

第2个回答  2019-12-27