

Dear teacher, happy New Year, wish you younger and younger, more and more beautiful.
happy New Year---新年快乐
younger and younger--越来越年轻
more and more beautiful--越来越漂亮
第1个回答  2014-01-29
Dear teacher,Happy new year.I wish you younger and more beautiful.
第2个回答  2014-01-29
英语:Teacher, happy New Year, wish you more and more young, more and more beautiful
韩语:선생님, 신년 의 즐거움 을 다니다 점점 젊 을 수록 아름 다운 곳 " 이라고 했 다
法语:Enseignants et bonne année, je te souhaite de plus en plus jeunes, il est de plus en plus belle
俄语:Учитель, с новым годом, желаю тебе все чаще молодая, красивая
西班牙语:Profesor, feliz año nuevo, cada vez más joven, bon cada vez más bonita
第3个回答  2014-01-29
Teacher, Happy New Year, I wish you getting younger, more beautiful
第4个回答  2014-01-29
"Teacher, happy New Year, wish you more and more young, more and more beautiful"