

1. ---How do you get _____ school?
---I ride my bike.
A. at B. in C. off D. to
2. How _____ your trip to Paris last week?
A. were B. was C. is D. are
3. ---Could you please go to the movies with me?

---_____. I have to do my homework.
A. Yes, sure B. Sorry, I can’t C. Yes, maybe D. No, you can’t
4. Beckham is a popular soccer_____.
A. singer B. actor C. writer D. player
5. Susan_____to be an artist when she grows up.
A. wanted B. want C. wants D. wanting
6. Jack bought a new car. He likes it very much.
He is _____ this weekend.
A. going for a drive B. going hiking C. going bike riding D. going swimming
7. The things in the shop are very _____.
A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest
8. How many _____ do we need for breakfast?
A. milk B. water C. eggs D. salad
9. I _____ my aunt in Australia this winter vacation.
I want to have an exciting vacation.
A. visit B. visited C. am going to visit D. visits
10. Gina didn’t _____when she met Yao Ming in the shop, but she got his photo.
A. telephone him B. watch him play basketball C. get his autograph D. get his telephone

Most children today go to a school where each class has its own room. It was different many years ago. Most children went to a one-room schoolhouse. In a one-room schoolhouse all the children learned in one room from the same teacher. A fourth grader might have sat next to a ninth grader. Possibly you have seen a one-room schoolhouse on a television program (节目).
There was a good reason for many of the one-room schoolhouses. They were often in the countryside, where there were only ten or twenty children going to school. Then one room was big enough for everyone! Today there are many more children going to school. The one-room schoolhouse has just about disappeared(消失).
1. The best title is ____.
A. Today’s Schoolhouses B. The One-room Schoolhouse
C. Big Enough for Everyone D. Fourth and Ninth Graders
2. Children going to a one-room schoolhouse had ____.
A. the same teacher B. different teachers
C. no lunch period D. no homework
3. Schoolhouses today usually have ____.
A. one room B. one teacher C. twenty pupils D. more than one room
4. One-room schoolhouses were not used where ____.
A. there were farms nearby B. people lived far apart
C. there were many pupils D. there was one teacher
5. The word “possibly” in Line Four means ____.
A. usually B. maybe C. luckily D. often
In England, people don’t usually talk very much. You can go on a bus or in a train and everyone sits looking out of the window.
Often they read. They read books and newspapers. But they don’t talk much.
English people often talk about one thing — the weather. When you meet someone in England you can say, “Nice weather for the time of year!”
“But it was a little cold yesterday,” someone may answer.
“But it got a little warmer later,” you can say.
Talk like this, and the English will think, “How friendly you are!”
( )1. English people don’t like talking at all.
( )2. On a bus or in a train they sit looking out of the window.
( )3. English people like to talk about the food.
( )4. When you talk about the weather with them, English people will think you are friendly.
( )5. When you meet English people, you must say, “ How old are you?”
A. 根据提示,将所给单词、词组分类;(8分)

A. good B. worse C. better
D. more boring E. most interesting F. bad
G. boring H. best I. interesting
J. most boring K. worst L. more interesting
M. difficult N. the funniest O. cheaper
P. popular

1. This book is __________________________________________________.
2. Reading a book is ____________________________________ than watching TV.
3. This book is the ______________________________________ one in our library.
B. Do you like reading books? Why? (2分)
I like _____________________ because__________________________.


The best Name Reason
Radio station Xuancheng Music 100.6 It plays the most interesting music.
Supermarket Suguo supermarket It has the best quality things
Movie theatre Rose theatre It has the friendliest service.

We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned.
A. take part in a competition B. went on vacation in Tibet C. caught a cold
D. be a better basketball player E. had a birthday party F. hold an exhibition
G. started playing the piano H. perform in a play I. made many friends
J. write articles to newspaper. K. move to a new city L. get a part-time job
M. got good marks N. took computer lessons
O. go for a drive with friends P. did chores at weekends

Last year, I _________________________________________________________________________.
Next year, I am going to ______________________________________________________________.
二、你喜欢周杰伦吗,你会喜欢下面的任务的. (15分)
English Name: Jay Chou
Birthplace: Taiwan
Date of Birth: January 18, 1979
Hobbies: write songs, watch movies, play basketball, play video games
1984: start to play the piano
1997: go to High school, major in music
1998: work in DW Italian restaurant as a piano player
2000: release his first album Jay Album.
三、根据表格,请写出Miss Green的简历(resume)并写出她对这些工作的感觉。(15分)
Miss. Green’s Resume
1991-1995 student in Tsinghua University
1995-1998 secretary
1998 journalist
1999-2003 English teacher
A few months later actress

一、 1. D.。2. B. trip是单数名词,又因为时间状语是last month,因此,应该用一般过去时。3. B. 根据I have to do my homework. 推断对方婉言拒绝。4 D 5. C. 主句与从句的时态应该一致。
6. A. going for a drive的意思是:去开车。其它选项与题意无关。
7. A. very经常与形容词的原级连用
8. .C. how many的后面只能跟可数名词。
9. C. 根据时间状语应该选C. be going to do表示将要发生的动作。
10.C. get his autograph的意思是:得到他的签名。
二、 Keys: 1-5 BADCB 6-10 FTFTF
一、 A.
1. A, F, I, M, P
2. B, C, D, L,
3. E, H, J, K, N
B. I like reading books, because I can learn a lot of things from the books.
二、 plant, clean, more beautiful, study, better
We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theatres are good, however, Rose Theatre is the best, because it has the friendliest service. The most popular supermarket is Suguo market because it has the best quality things. As for the radio station, most people think xuancheng radio 100.6FM is the best because it plays the most interesting music.
三 Miss Green was a student in Tsinghua University from 1991 to 1995. She was interested in her study there. And in 1995, she became a secretary. She worked as a secretary for three years, but she didn’t like the job. In 1998, she became a journalist because she liked to talk to different people. Then she was an English teacher from 1999 to 2003. She is going to be an actress a few months later because she enjoys singing and dancing.
