急需一篇3分钟左右的英文自我介绍。哪个好心人帮帮忙啊= =、


我叫XXX,(Hello everyone, My name is XXX, and you can call meXX(你的昵称).)我来自南京,(Nanjing is my hometown)我是个比较内向的女孩,虽然我不太爱说话,但是我很乐意帮助我身边的每一位朋友,以后大家有什么困难都可以来找我。(I m not quiet talkative, even though i dont talk much, but i d like to help everyone around me. So if you have any questions or problems, i d like to help you guys)
我的爱好有很多,比如:唱歌、写作、听音乐和看电视等等。(i interested in lots of things, like singing, writing, listening to music and watching televisions.) 我最喜欢的偶像团体是东城卫,我最喜欢东城卫的团长---陈德修,修不仅人长得帅,而且很有才。(My favorite band is Dong Cheng Wei, i really like their group head--DeXiu Chen, he is not only a good looking guy, but also full of talents.) 东城卫是一个摇滚乐团(Dong Cheng Wei is a rock band),我之所以喜欢他们,完全是因为他们为了音乐而坚持不懈的精神(The reason i like them is because their put their soul into their music),他们为了音乐经历了很多(Their music is full of their experience),听了我的介绍希望大家能和我一样去支持他们(Hopefully after my presentation, you will support the band with me)!!
我的介绍就这么多,谢谢大家!!(That is all my presentation, thanks all)