

第1个回答  推荐于2019-09-18
"Shurima! Your emperor has returned!"
"They dare defy Shurima?"
"Challenge Shurima, challenge fate."
"Shurima will brook no offense."
"Mine is the will of Shurima."
"Give yourselves to Shurima."
"Shurima will once again stretch to the horizon."
"Shurima is where all paths converge."
"The power of the sun lives in Shurima."
"I will return Shurima to greatness."
"Shurima's legacy will endure."
"I am Shurima's dawn."
"Everyone will know the name Shurima."
"Shurima lives in me."
"There is no future without Shurima." - this one, by the way, is just stupid
"There is only Shurima. All else is but a mirage." - this one is actually pretty idiotic
"Shurima is eternal."
"Glory to Shurima."
"This now serves Shurima."
"This is Shuriman land."
"I claim this for Shurima."
"May the sands of Shurima always be under our feet."
"I am Shurima's vision."
"Shuriman sands flow ever in our favour."
"Time itself serves Shurima."
"The light of Shurima."
"Here, we shall decide the future of Shurima!"
"Like the sun, Shurima always rises!"
"I am testament to the glory of Shurima!"
"At last, Shurima will reach its destiny!"
"Shurima will know only victory."
"None shall ever question the power of Shurima!"
"The bounty of Shurima still flows."
"You cannot topple Shurima."
"Shurima is never lost."本回答被网友采纳