

PS:唉,语文不好,就是想表达很喜欢大城市,喜欢大城市那种紧张感 从而驱使我不断的进步。。。。 其实也不用字照字的翻译。。。翻译出来那种意境就行了。。真的是急用,给80分,觉得好了再追加!!

I always aspire to study in big cities. Whenever I see the skyscrapers, huge glittering advertising boards as well as logos and signboards of renowned brands in those metropolis, I cannot help but feel a strong agitation which motivates me to study even harder. When I was back in China, I loved to hang around the street cafes, tasting a cup of nice coffee and watching the hustle and bustle of the busy city. It is important that this kind of vitality be maintained in our everyday life. I love big cities, in particular the dynamism and vigor which are such important elements of a metropollis.

第1个回答  2011-01-20
I have been looking forward to studying in a big city. I have always been urged to study hard when I see the huge buildings and the giant billboards with the famous company's logo. When I was in China, I also loved to sit in the coffee shops on the street, watching the people and the cars along the street while drinking coffee. Life should be full of engergy growing all the time. I love big cities for all of their power.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-29

I've been looking forward in big cities of study, when I saw the tall buildings, giant advertising plaque and famous big company brand mark, I was always vague surge and then I'll have more power which makes me study hard. When I was in China, I also like to sit street coffee shop, coffee and watched flowing streets. Life is should remain vigorous, endless. I like big cities, like all full of vitality.
第3个回答  2011-01-22
What I have been yearning for in the big city all the time is studied, as I see those high buildings and large mansions, huge brand board advertising and big company famous mark, heart surge then I have loud power enable my study hard. When I am in China, I like sitting in the coffee shop by the street too, drinking coffee, the street streaming past in an endless flow at will. The life is keeping vigor, the life and growth in nature. I like the big city, like everything full of vigor.
文章很优美。短短的几句话,能表现你对大城市的向往。 加油哦!
第4个回答  2011-01-20
Studying in the metroplis is always my dream.When I saw those great structure,huge billboards and the brand logo of major corporation, the passion came for me and I was encouraged to study harder.Though my days in China,I always enjoy sitting in Cafe on the curb,drinking caffee,looking out for busy block.Vigour and endlessness were life's mean.I love metropolis,I love everything witch full of passion.