
2:11 5:45 3:15 9:40 6:40 4:30 7:46


2:11 two eleven; eleven past two
5:45 five forty-five; a quarter to six
3:15 three fifteen; a quarter past three
9:40 nine forty; twenty to ten
6:40 six forty; twnty to seven
4:30 four thirty; half past four
7:46 seven forty-six; fourteen to eight
第1个回答  2010-12-27
第二题还可以 fifteen to six
第2个回答  2010-12-27
2:11 eleven past two
5:45 a quarter to six
3:15 a quarter past three
9:40 twenty to ten / forty past nine
6:40 twenty to seven / forty past six
4:30 half past four
7:46 fourteen to eight
第3个回答  2010-12-27
eleven past two
fifteen to six
three fifteen
nine forty
ten to seven
half past four
fourteen to eight