请高手帮忙用英语翻译下,网上的汉英句子转换器就别用了,期待高手回答,菜鸟自重, 万分感谢!!


1.Dream seems like a beacon in the dark,and lights the way you going forward.
2.Dream is the crutch of the blind, guides the direction in your blank world.
3.When we are pursuing our dreams,there will be many troubles and failures,pick ourselves up,only the ones who are unremitting could put it over.
4.Dream makes pursuit,and Dream creates drive.
5.Let us make arduous efforts for the dream and the enthusiasm!

机器翻译被雷劈 希望对你有帮助
第1个回答  2010-12-27
Dream lights your way ahead like a light in the night.
Dream guides your way in the boundless world like a blindman's crutch.
It is full of rough and failure when pursuing a dream. Just pick yourself up when fall. Only those who holds on to the last can make a success.
Dream is the source of pursuit. Dream is the source of power.
Let's make efforts for that hope and passion.
第2个回答  2010-12-27
Dream is like the dark specified lamp, help you light up the way forward.
The dream that you like blind crutch, in bewilderment world, guide your direction.
In pursuing your dreams, we always meet bumpy and failure, fell to climb up that only by sticking to the last man can succeed... Have a dream, there is a pursuit, have the dream, and we will have a power.
Let us to share of the hope, that copy of enthusiasm, hard struggle!
第3个回答  2010-12-27

Dream is like the dark specified lamp, help you light up the way forward.


The dream that you like blind crutch, in bewilderment world, guide your direction.


In pursuing your dreams, we always meet bumpy and failure, fell to climb up that only by sticking to the last man can succeed... Have a dream, there is a pursuit, have the dream, and we will have a power.


Let us to share of the hope, that copy of enthusiasm, hard struggle!