

With the development of information technology, the Internet is playing a more and more important role in our life. A great number of people rely on the Internet for study, purchase and so on. Now let's picture what life would be like without the Internet.
First of all, access to information would be smaller, which would cause great inconvenience. Nowadays, when we want to seach for the latest information, we "yahoo"; when we need the exact definition, we "baidu" or "google" or "wiki". Actually we are so accustomed to surfing for information that we can hardly think or analyse independently. On a broader sense, living without the Internet would lead to self-thinking but temporaily, it would cause great inconvenience.
Secondly, it would limit ways of communication. 30 years ago, we relied on letters. 20 years ago, we depended on telephones and in the new century, we got cellphones and now we mainly communicate via the Internet, such as emails, MSN or QQ. Without the Internet, communication would be narrower, but more personal meanwhile. For example, we would visit our friends in person rather than send a "Happy New Year" via MSN.
In short, without the Internet, life would be different. But it remains to be seen whether it makes us farther or closer.
第1个回答  2011-01-09
Without the internet in our life,the activity and the development of the human being will become totally a mess which is called the social disorder.Generally speaking,we cannot avoid using the computer and its internet in all aspects of the social activities.Suppose we have no internet at all,first of all,we cannot expect to go back to the past which we are not familiar with any more.Then secondly,we cannot imagine the situation,like banking, traffic, business,power supply and so on will be like .We are not able to manage or deal with the numerous problems appeared after the disappearance of the internet. No matter the domestic or the international affairs will certainly cause much trouble without the inetrnet, including misunderstanding, conflicts and even fights. Anyway,internet is becoming an inevitable part of the human world which greatly needs order and peace .Sometimes,you will find that the internet is as important as the sun is.
第2个回答  2011-01-10
We don't have interneten. We are not happy.