

as to parents my guardian, to be honest, you are not so qualified. you are always too busy to care about me. a case in point is that once I failed in my math exam, you say nothing except "oh". didn't you worry about my study at that time? or in fact, you care about nothing, even for your only child's future, but your careers.
第1个回答  2011-01-09
You are not a good child. Why do you want to complain your parents? Your parents give you food, dress, and the chance to receive education, do they do wrong?本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-16
Sometimes my parents ask me to do something I don’t like. So I feel upset day in day out. I think my achievement becomes worse and worse due to this. Because when you feel unhappy, you can do nothing without complain! So I hope my parents can understand me and bring a happy life in my family.
第3个回答  2011-01-22
Complaints About Parents
Parents? NO! Enemies? PRO! What am I going to say about my parents if they read my diaries without informing me, make me do what I hate to and blame me with no resaonable accusations? And what should I say about their ridiculous arrogance making them believe that they know better than we do? Spare me, God! They don't know a thing about who we really are, what we really need, and what we really want to be! In their eys, we are merely their personal belongings and their machines to continue to their unaccomplished dreams. Why? And what have we done to deserve this? ! We'd have been in a better position in the family.
第4个回答  2011-01-16
uyedef r vvfdsgrecdsac fesc sefegrkwelhl iowe iewql hlfewq weio hhklwequifhj d hweuiqhedhwjqgt weq ghfewqfer re rte s