


If you ask me what advice I would give to somebody who wants to come to my country to study, I would say, I want to recommend him to learn some basic Chinese, in order to live in China.

In China, everything is in Chinese, for example, road sign and restaurant menu. A foreigner has to learn some basic Chinese to order in a restaurant, or to read the direction on the map.

Besides, there are very few Chinese can speak English. If a foreigner comes to visit China, knowing nothing about Chinese, he will not be able to communicate with people.

If he comes here to study, he will not be able to speak to his classmates or teachers, and thus he wouldn’t be able to learn anything from the class.




第1个回答  2023-06-10
Advice for Foreign Students Studying in China

Studying abroad is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging, especially if you are coming to a new country like China. As a foreign student studying in China, there are some things you can do to make your transition easier and more successful.

Firstly, learn the language. Mandarin Chinese is the official language of China, and while many people speak English, it's important to be able to communicate in Chinese. Take classes or hire a tutor to help you improve your language skills.

Secondly, get involved in campus life. Join clubs or organizations that interest you, attend cultural events and festivals, and make friends with both local and international students. This will help you to better understand the culture and make new connections.

Thirdly, embrace the culture. China has a rich history and culture, so take advantage of opportunities to explore and learn about it. Visit museums, historical sites, and other places of interest, try new foods, and participate in cultural activities.

Fourthly, be open-minded and flexible. Living in a new country can be challenging, but keeping an open mind and being willing to adapt to new situations will help you to overcome any difficulties.

Finally, take care of yourself. Studying abroad can be stressful, so make sure to take care of your physical and mental health. Exercise regularly, eat well, get enough sleep, and seek support if needed.

In conclusion, studying in China can be a wonderful experience, but it requires effort and preparation. By following these tips, foreign students can better adjust to life in China and make the most of their time studying abroad.







