

Here are the revised translations of the traffic rules, ensuring clarity, grammatical correctness, and adherence to the original intent:
1. Fasten your safety belt.
- Correct translation: Always wear your seat belt.
2. Place your children in the back seat!
- Correct translation: Ensure your children are seated in the back seat.
3. Never drive under the influence of alcohol!
- Correct translation: Never drive while intoxicated.
4. You must always come to a complete stop at stop signs.
- Correct translation: You are required to stop completely at stop signs.
5. Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks.
- Correct translation: Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks.
6. Pedestrians and vehicles must adhere to the rule of walking on the right.
- Correct translation: Pedestrians and vehicles should keep to the right.
7. Stopping is prohibited on highways and expressways.
- Correct translation: Stopping is not allowed on highways and expressways.
8. Do not overtake another vehicle in a winding road or near the summit; always comply with traffic signals along the way.
- Correct translation: Avoid overtaking in winding roads or near summits; observe traffic signals as you travel.
9. When driving at night, whether in urban areas or not, it is mandatory to use headlights.
- Correct translation: During nighttime driving, whether in urban areas or not, headlights must be turned on.
10. Upon hearing the loud warning whistle or seeing the police or fire engine with its flashing red lights, drivers must pull over to the right side of the road.
- Correct translation: hearing the ear-piercing warning whistle or seeing a police or fire vehicle with its red lights flashing, drivers must stop on the right side of the road.