

第1个回答  2023-08-07

问号的英文:question mark


句号(.):full stop/full point/period。有的时候,你想表达我说完这句话了,也可以用period这个词加强语气。比如“I think Red Scarf is the best, period.”

逗号(,):comma。用来分隔句子或者词组。有时候,逗号的使用能决定句子的意思,比如“eats shoots and leaves”的意思是吃树苗和叶子,但是“eats, shoots and leaves”就不一样了,先吃,然后射击最后离开。

问号(?):question mark。用在疑问句句尾。

感叹号(!):exclamation mark。

冒号(:):colon。经常用于两个分句中间,且第二个分句用于解释第一个分句。比如Her house needs a few things: roaster, washing machine and a lamp.

分号(;):semicolon。同样用来分隔分句,但是分句之间联系紧密,比如My wife would like tea; I would prefer coffee。在论文中非常好用,可以代替and,比如His research showed that?; his research interviewed 200 people?

引号(“?”/‘?’):quotation marks。一般会用在引用他人说的话或者文献中的信息,单引号可以用在双引号里面,比如你引用的那个人,又引用别人的话,就可以用单引号。

如果是引用完整的一句话,引号里面的句子要首字母大写,句号问号啥的要写在引号里面,比如What she said was “There is no way we will get there in time.”;

如果是引用一部分,那就不用大写了,比如He called them “loud, smelly, and utterly annoying,” and he closed the door;

要是一句话分开引用的话,被引用的后半段首字母不大写,比如“The problem with opinions,” Paula explained, “is that everyone has one.”,还有注意,英文是逗号后面接引号,不是咱们中文的冒号哟!
