九年级 英语选择题

I think he must be in the office now,-------?A.don't IB.mustn't heC.isn't he D.can't he .可不可以说明一下反义疑问句的语法,着重于must的反义疑问句。有没有反义疑问句是mustn't的形式。很急 谢谢!

答案选c反问疑问句语法 反意问句由二部分构成 ,即陈述句 + 反问句 ,在形式上通常遵循前肯定后否定或前否定后肯定以及反问句的主 、谓须与陈述句主 、谓相一致的原则 。但在实际运用中 ,反意问句具有很大的灵活性与特殊性 。
一、谓语的变化1. 陈述部分含 must 情态动词,反问句谓语须根据其不同的意思 而确定。 1 ) must 表“一定要”,“必须”,反问句谓语用 needn't , 间或用 mustn't . You must leave for Beijing next week , needn't you ? He must work hard at his subjects , mustn't he ? 2 ) must 表 “ 一定是 ”“ 肯定是 ”, 反问句谓语须根据其后的原形动词选用相对应的形式。 You must have told him that , haven't you ? He must have seen the film yesterday , didn't he ? She must be at the office , isn't she ? They must be having a meeting now , aren't they ? 2 . 陈述部分用 had better ,反问句谓语多用 shouldn't , 间或也用hadn't . We had better stop the discussion , shouldn't we ? You'd better turn to your teacher for help , hadn't you ? 3 . 陈述部分谓语用 have ,反问句谓语须根据其意义确定。 1 ) 表 " 拥有 " , 反问句谓语用 have 或 do . You have a new dictionary , haven't you ? He has a foreign friend , doesn't he ? 陈述部分是否定形式 ,反问句谓语用 have 或 do 取决于 陈述部分的谓语形式。 He hasn't a lot of time to spare , has he ? You don't have anything to say , do you ? 2 ) have 表其他意思 , 反问句谓语多用 don't , 间或也用 haven't . Jack has to go therer on foot , doesn't we ? 3 ) 陈述部分含have to结构,反问句谓语多用 don't , 间或也用 haven't . Jack has to go there on foot , doesn't he ? We have to get up early , haven't we ? 当 have to 被 have got to 取代时,反问句谓语须用 have . We have got to answer all these questions , haven't we ? 4 . 陈述部分谓语用 used to 结构,反问句谓语用 didn't 或 usedn't 或 used + 主 + not . They used to live in the city , usedn't they ? He used to get up very early , didn't he ? You used to play football , used you not ? 5 . 陈述部分用 I am ... 结构 ,反问句谓语用 aren't 或 ain't 或 am I not . I am your friend , am I not ? I am have on time , aren't / ain't I ?二、 句子结构的变化 1 . 感叹句附加反问句 ,其反问句一般使用否定式。 What fine weather , isn't it ? How hard she works , doesn't she ? How clever the boy is , isn't he ? 2 . 陈述部分用 I wish ... 结构 ,反问句常用 may I 形式 。 I wish I had met him , may I ? I wish I were a birk , may I ? 3 . 祈使句附加反问句分下面几种情况 : 1 ) 肯定祈使句 + will you ? 多表“ 请求 ”。 Come here early next time , will you ? 肯定祈使句 + won't you ? 多表“ 提醒注意 ”。 Listen to me attentively , won't you ? 表邀请 ,请求多用 will you ,但也可根据需要选用其他形式。 Sing us a song , would you ? Turn off the light , won't you ? 表提醒某人做某事 ,除 won't you 外 ,还可用 would you , can you 等。 Do write down your name have , would you ? Stop talking , can you ? 2 ) 否定祈使句 + will you 或 can you ? Don't be late again , will you ? Don't make a noise , can you ? 但在否定祈使句后不能使用 won't you . 3 ) Let's ... + shall we 或 shan't we ? Let's begin our class , shall we ? Let's get down to our business , shan't we ? 而 Let us / me / him ... , 则应用 will / won't you ? Let me have a try , will you ? Let us have a rest , won't you ? 4 ) 陈述部分含有 few , little , seldom , havdly , never , not , no , no one ,nobody , nothing , none , neither 等 ,反问句应用 肯定结构 。 He seldom comes here , does he ? You know little French , do you ? 但当这些否定 、半否定意义的词在陈述部分作宾语时 , 反问句间或也用否定结构 。 He has nothing to do now , doesn't he ? 5 ) 陈述部分所含的否定词是加前缀或后缀所构成的 ,反问句要用 否定结构 。 He is quite careless , isn't he ? It is unfair , isn't it ? 6 ) 陈述部分用 I ( We ) think / suppose / believe / imagine ... 等 接that 从句 ,反问句应与从句的主 、谓语保持一致 ,但应 注意否定的转移 。 I think he'll be back in 3 days , won't he ? I don't believe that they have known it , have they ? 7 ) 陈述部分用 neither ... nor ... , both ... and ... , 连接二个主语, 反问句主语常用复数。 Neither you nor I am wrong , are we ? Both Tom and Mary are new here , aren't they ? 8 ) 陈述部分用 too ... to ... , 表 “ 太 …… 以致不能 …… ” , 反问句肯定形式 。 He is too excited to say a word , is he ? They are too tired to go any farther , are they ? 9 ) 陈述部分用 so 开头 ,反问句用“ 同向 ” 反问形式 , 表惊讶 ,不满 ,怀疑等情绪 。 So you are getting married , are you ? So you don't want to go with us , don't you ?
第1个回答  2013-11-13
第2个回答  2013-11-13