麻烦下面的中文给翻译成英语,考试用的 谢谢啦 用词越简单越初级越好

1 我喜欢的电影叫《七宗罪》,因为它的结局出人意料(或者很精彩)
2 我最喜欢的地方是宣武门,因为那里是我长大的地方。
3 我理想的搭档是机器人,让做什么就做什么。
4 我学习英语是为了获得学历。
5 坐地铁1号线到西单站,再换乘4号线到颐和园站。

1. My favorite film is The Seven Deadly Sins, I like it because the plot is absorbing.
2. The place I like most is Xuanwumen as it's the place where I grew up.
3. My ideal partner is robot for it can obey my order.
4. I learn English in order to acquire academic diplomas.
5. You can take the No.1 line subway to Xishan station and transfer line 4 to get to the Summer Palace.
第1个回答  2011-01-02
1 I like the movie called "Seven"because it's a surprise ending
2 My favorite place is Xuanwumen, because there is a place where I grew up.
3 My ideal partner is a robot, so what to do
4 I learn English in order to obtain qualifications.
5 No. 1 subway line to the Xidan station, then take line 4 to the Summer Palace Station本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2011-01-02
1. My favorite movie is "SEVEN" because it ends with a surprising twist (or very absorbing).
2. The place I like most is the "Xuanwu Gate" where I grew up.
3. My ideal partner is a robot who does whatever I tell it to do.
4. I learn English as to get a diploma.
5. Line No.1 subway will take you to the Xidan Station where you can transfer line No.4 to the Summer Palace Station.
第3个回答  2011-01-03
1. I like SEVEN,because of its surprise ending ,(or wonderful)
2 My favorite place is Xuanwumen, becasue this is the palce where I grew up.
3. My ideal partner is a robot,who can do whatever I tell.
4.I learn English in order to acquire qualifications.
5.Take NO.1 subway to Xidan Station,then transfer NO. 4 subway to the Summer Palace Station .