
第一篇的要求是:假设你是李华,在美国探亲。2009年2月8日清晨,你在散步时目击一起交通事故。警察局让你写一份材料,报告当时所见情况。请根据下列信息写出报告,可适当增加细节。此树100-120 时间7点15分 地点 Park Road 事故经过:一位老人从公园出来正在穿过马路时被一辆快速左转弯的车子撞倒。车子黄色。车牌号AC864,驾驶员员为年轻女性,事故发生后往西开走。几分钟后我拦了一辆出租车把老人送到最近的医院。
第二篇 假如你是一名英国学生,暑假期间来北京旅游。请根据以下游程写一篇100-120词左右的游记。 时间 8月3日 上午活动登长城 下午游天安门 晚餐吃烤鸭 晚上看京剧 已有开头 My trip of Beijing was fabulous
跪求啦 是

第1个回答  2011-01-15
抱歉 我也不知道。。。。真的不好意思,我的英文不好 待人单词就好了
第2个回答  2011-01-16
第二篇:My trip of Beijing was fabulous,I have been to BeiJing for a travel.it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.
the Imperial Palace noted the history. there were many antiques which we could espy the great culture .
from the great wall,it was a well-known wonder in the world.it is made of big stones which was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction