

第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-02
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918. His father was Chief Henry Mandela of the Tembu Tribe. Mandela himself was educated at University College of Fort Hare and the University of Witwatersrand and qualified in law in 1942. He joined the African National Congress in 1944 and was engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party's apartheid policies after 1948. He went on trial for treason in 1956-1961 and was aquitted in 1961.

After the banning of the ANC in 1960, Nelson Mandela argued for the setting up of a military wing within the ANC. In June 1961, the ANC executive considered his proposal on the use of violent tactics and agreed that those members who wished to involve themselves in Mandela's campaign would not be stopped from doing so by the ANC. This led to the formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe. Mandela was arrested in 1962 and sentenced to five years' imprisonment with hard labour. In 1963, when many fellow leaders of the ANC and the Umkhonto we Sizwe were arrested, Mandela was brought to stand trial with them for plotting to overthrow the government by violence. His statement from the dock received considerable international publicity. On June 12, 1964, eight of the accused, including Mandela, were sentenced to life imprisonment. From 1964 to 1982, he was incarcerated at Robben Island Prison, off Cape Town; thereafter, he was at Pollsmoor Prison, nearby on the mainland.

During his years in prison, Nelson Mandela's reputation grew steadily. He was widely accepted as the most significant black leader in South Africa and became a potent symbol of resistance as the anti-apartheid movement gathered strength. He consistently refused to compromise his political position to obtain his freedom.

Nelson Mandela was released on February 18, 1990. After his release, he plunged himself wholeheartedly into his life's work, striving to attain the goals he and others had set out almost four decades earlier. In 1991, at the first national conference of the ANC held inside South Africa after the organization had been banned in 1960, Mandela was elected President of the ANC while his lifelong friend and colleague, Oliver Tambo, became the organisation's National Chairperson本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-06-18
When I came out jailbird's chamber to once exceed to lead to free jail front door, I already clear, if oneself incapability painfully sad and hate to stay at after death, so I in fact still in the jail."

"The Man virtuous tension thinks that oppressor and be acquired a liberation by the oppressor similar requirement, the race doctrine is equally also a prisoner, they" is imprisonned by prejudice and nearsighted ferromolybdenum grid".The Man in the jail virtuous tension lost Human body freedom, but acquired the liberation of spirit.

On July 18, 2009, the Man virtuous tension is located in the Si fortress in John at oneself of the home roger is a greeting card, this is a 8-year-old British little boy to send to his, up write:The persons in the world all love you, I also love you, I know of the no 1 great man is a virtuous Man tension.I wish your happy birthday with the kids!

Is that the Man is virtuous to pull a 91-year-old birthday, in front of his residence portal, have already put for a day full various fresh flowers and gift.No one knocks on door to bother him, everyone knows, and the Man of the body infirmity virtuous tension wants to at quiet spend a birthday.South African government also appeals that people aren't going to to disrupt virtuous tension of Man of life, use another method expression vs his esteem-in "Man virtuous tension day" at least on this day take 67 minutes take part in social public-spirited activity with Be in remembrance of Man virtuous tractive have concentrated on since 1942 South African human right exercises 67 anniversaries.

1964 after, the annual interests' fertile Ni's second judgment's 46-year-old Man is virtuous tractive drive escort into Luo this island.Originally the island of South African Luo is 11 kilometers apart from South African legalization capital city, Cape Town, S. Africa's biggest circumlittoral group of islands.Luo this island once was prisoner and hemp breeze patient to banish earth and separation before in 1960, had "death island"Of call.Afterwards South African authorities builds a jail on the island and exclusively jails blacks political prisoner.The room scarcity that jailed virtuous tension of Man at that time is 4.5 square meters, with he the height of 1.83 meters, afraiding of can force in the prison building to lie down.The Man virtuous tension makes use of putting of every time 15 minuteseses the breeze for time and the jail friends progress contact and swap, spur make a conflict with the jail friend jail authorities, he still fights for to study to read the report waiting much obligee for the jail friends.The Man is virtuous tension because of long - term at Luo originally insular of adopt a stone field to is engaged in hard work, be stabbed and wounded eyes by the strong reflection of lime stone, cause the some other day is behind even the incapability face phototimer flash lamp.