
《黑暗的心脏》描绘了一个冷漠的世界,处处充满了死亡的气息。非洲黑暗的中心,更是与世隔绝,所以康拉德通过主人公马洛的嘴强调道:“在一片孤独中—— 绝对孤独,连一个警察都没有,听不到一句好心的邻居小声说给你听的有关社会舆论的忠告,你就得依靠自身的力量”。《黑暗的心脏》有两条线索,一条是关于受雇于比利时一家贸易公司的马洛驾船前往非洲丛林的旅程,另一条是关于在刚果原始森林中独自经营象牙生意的欧洲混血儿库尔茨的堕落与罪恶。库尔茨堕落在孤独中,生命垂危在孤独中。马洛在寻求库尔茨的过程中经历了无尽的孤独,他所追寻的是一片黑暗,也在发现自我的过程中发现自身的孤独,并且注定孤独。



"The Heart of Darkness" has described a chill world with breathes of death everywhere. Especially, the dark centre of Africa has become a world apart. As a result, through the words of the hero, Conrad stresses that “在一片孤独中—— 绝对孤独,连一个警察都没有,听不到一句好心的邻居小声说给你听的有关社会舆论的忠告,你就得依靠自身的力量”. There are two clues in "the Heart of Darkness". One is the whole process of Marlow’s journey into the jungles of Africa, and the other is the degeneration and crime of European half-breed Kurtz who deals in ivory business in the virgin forest in Congo alone. Kurtz degenerates in loneliness, and also suffers critically ill in loneliness, while Marlow has experienced an enormous loneliness in the process of seeking Kurtz, only to find the darkness. Marlow also finds the loneliness on himself in finding the true self, and is destined to be lonely.

"Narrenschif" also has the meaning of a ship with insane people on it. Such a special ship is originally the custom spreading in regions of Rhine River of Germany: People gather madmen in one ship and abandoned them into rivers. According to Foucault’s textual research, Narrenschif has been given a new meaning by the 15th century: "Soul, like a piece of boat, abandoned in the boundless see of desire, on the barren land of anxiety and ignorance, or in the world of unreasonableness.” Between complex branches of rivers or in the boundless see, the man on board are the prisoner of journey, deserted into the lonely darkness. " Narrenschif" is destined to be lonely.
第1个回答  2007-06-12
" dark heart " has described one cold and detached world, is full of breath of death everywhere. The dark centre of Africa, shuts off oneself from society especially, so Conrad emphasizes one through the protagonist Ma Luo's mouth: "In a slice of loneliness - -Absolutely lonely, even a policeman does not have, can not hear a sentence of sincere advice about public opinion that kind neighbour speaks to you in a low voice, you must depend on one's own strength " . " dark heart " has two clues, one is journey going the jungle of Africa that Ma Luo regarding employed by a trading company in Belgium steers a ship, another one is degeneration and crime about European half-breed Kurtz dealing in the ivory business in the virgin forest in Congo alone. Kurtz degenerates in loneliness, critically ill in loneliness. Ma Luo has gone through endless loneliness during the process of seeking Kurtz, what he pursues is very dark, find one's own loneliness in finding the self- course too, and is destined to be lonely.

" fool's ship (Narrenschif) " Can be translated into too " The crazy people's ship " . Such special ship is originally the custom spreading in regions of Rhine River of Germany: People concentrate throwing on a ship the lunatic to the river to drift with the tide. According to good fortune textual criticism of Ke, by the 15th century, fool ship is give new meaning: "Soul, like a small boat, abandoned in the mirage on the maritime, worried and ignorant barren land of the vast and boundless desire, knowledge or unreasonable world. " At a thousand one hundred fork of rivers or boundless and indistinct seas, people of ship become typical life passenger, it is a convict of travel, abandoned in the lonely darkness, " fool's ship " It is lonely to be destined. Luo Ma from interested in especially to map as a child, will one spend several think South America, Africa, Australia hour in succession, he wishes eagerly to explore all sorts of honor of the undertaking, he is only " follows the ocean " in the crewman Person,it get back to by London after it cruise by six year at oceans eastern, fascinated by by Africa again at once. In order to get rid of the boring life in London. That of giving soul and destiny of Ma Luo " The huge snake " Like river,it set foot on bear the weight of Luo Ma it last soul, last lonely " fool ship " . There, there is not a friend, not so even not true as faith. Ma Luo accepts an appointment of an association of dealers of Belgium, two women in the gate are " guarding the dark gate when he goes to look for the boss to register, busy with weaving the dark knitting wool in the hand, it seems to be to used for making a warm coffin clothing, guide people to that unknown world ceaselessly " ,Ma Luo has chosen dark loneliness from this. Ma Luo wants to see in Kurtz's legend eagerly " Take pity on, science and progressive envoy " ,Have a talk once even become Ma Lip river and sail with Kurtz this time " The only purpose " ,But it is difficult and lonely that this seeks course: "It is unused by ship, with the loneliness that is not contacted and formed with the pedestrian, the sea where the greasy dirt is full of stains or spots, dull and dreary, the stereotyped bank that sinks gloomily, what all these made me far away from living a life is true, immersed in the depressing, meaningless one when contemplate. " Silence, deep and serene suddenly restless to make Lip river Ma soul lonely suffering of environment, thus enter a kind of unreal, unreasonable state: "We have already lost ability of understanding of surrounding environment; We slip and pass like ghost, surprise endlessly, heart feel panic again, just as the person with normal head comes to the madhouse, in the face of frenetic scene that broke out suddenly being the same. We do not understand, it is because we are apart too far and difficult with memory, because we travel at night in ancient times, those times when have already passed, scarcely what trace is left - -Have not left any memory either. "