
下面是你班班会上以“中学生是否能佩带手机”为题进行讨论的情况。请你写一封信给21st Century报的编辑说明该情况,并附带表明你自己的观点。
4、生词:辐射radiation 奢侈的luxurious 亲戚relative
比例 40%学生赞同 60%学生不赞同
理由 1、便于同亲友联系; 1、手机辐射对人体健康有害;
2、可以上网查资料; 2、响铃影响自己和他人学习;
3、空余时间玩玩游戏调节大脑; 3、属奢侈品;
4、存储有用信息。 4、容易引起相互攀比。

Dear editor of the 21st Century paper,
I think it is a good idea for secondary school students to bring their mobile phone with them. I have been doing a survey at my school, there are 40% of students showing that they do agree with it while there are 60% of students are against to this situation.

The reason for students that agree they should have mobile phone because they think it would me more convenient for them to contact their parents and relatives. Also they think using mobile phones to search information in the web would be a lot easier. Some students think that they could use the mobile phone to play games during leisure time to regulate their brain. Using mobile phones could also conveniently saves useful information.

However, the students who are disagree with me think that the radiation given out mobile phones could affect the health of human body. Secondly, they think that the ringtone from the mobile phones would affect yourself and people who are around you trying to revise. Thirdly, they think have mobile phones are luxurious, so it is not really that important to have one. Last but not least, they think that having mobile phones could easily lead to competition between students.

From the above, although different people show their different points of view about having mobile phones, but still I think having a mobile phone could make our life a lot easier.

Yours faithfully,