

大海有广阔的海域,也有汹涌的波涛,就好比人的宽容与愤怒.可是,大海一样也有哭泣! 一次旅行的机会,让我欣赏到琼州海峡那独特的魅力,站在船上的我四周瞭望,看琼州海峡碧蓝碧蓝的水,蓝莹莹的天时,顿时觉得心中有无比的宽广,无比的安静。
站在旁边的我,听到这样的话,看着海水使劲的拍打船舶,再看看旁边的小男孩.忽然有种奇怪的想法:他是不是听到海在哭泣呢? 因为人类的污染,大海变得浑浊;因为人类的不经意,大海失色了;因为人类的肆无忌惮,大海的宽容变成了无情.大海在哭泣,你知道吗?它用力的拍打过往的船只,只不过是想发泄心中的愤恨;它让孩子知道它在哭泣,想让孩子告诉我们,不要再污染了. 所谓“白色污染”,是人们对塑料垃圾污染环境的一种形象称谓。它是指用聚笨乙烯、聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯等高分子化合物制成的各类生活塑料制品使用后被弃置成为固体废物,由于随意乱丢乱扔并且.难于降解处理,以致造成大海环境严重污染的现象。
难道这样还不能让我们自己反省吗? 难道我们还想要受到更多的伤害吗?可曾想过,走在沙滩上,看到一大片一大片塑料垃圾的尸体时,有没有听到大海的哭泣声?有没有听到海的呼唤声?
海南省是我国海洋大省,借助这样的优势,海南的渔业,旅游业在不断地发展.所谓的旅游业是从不破坏各种生态为前提,观光生态环境.若大海被污染,如何观光美丽的大海?如何在海里游玩?如何看海天相交的美景?大海污染也会影响渔业,鱼的污染造成无鱼可捕,试问渔业怎能发展呢? 我们生长在海的中央,遨游在海的世界.所以我们应自觉的保护我们的大海,而且需要人们知道,海是水的源头,是生命的开始.这样能更好的保护美丽的大海. 我们有广阔的胸襟,大海希望我们能用广阔的胸襟包容它.所以,朋友!我们的大海需要您的理解;您的爱护;您的自觉;因为这样能使人们知道,海南有碧海蓝天,有椰蓉飘香,是南海最璀璨的一颗明珠.
第1个回答  2011-07-11



其中有几处是我觉得比较引人入胜:上部 第二十章 托里斯海峡:“鹦鹉螺号”第一次遭受困境碰触到海峡的礁石而被迫停下来。然而这对阿龙纳斯,他的仆人康塞尔和鱼叉手尼德•兰却是一件好事。因为他们能在旁边的小岛上逗留了两天,这对一个原来生活在陆地上却因为某种原因而留在海上2~3个月的人来说是上天何等的优厚待遇啊!然而,在他刚想享受战利品时却遇到了土人围攻。最终以尼摩船长沉着冷静去对付土人围攻而告一段落。

下部 第三章 一颗价值千万法郎的珍珠:这一章叙述尼摩船长,啊龙纳斯,他的仆人康塞尔和鱼叉手尼德•兰在收集珍珠时发现一位印度采珠人遭到黑鲨的袭击,幸亏尼摩船长以无以匹比的勇敢和尼德•兰对鲨鱼身体结构的熟识,用鱼叉刺中鲨鱼的心脏而完结生命为告终。在细节可以看出尼摩船长他,作为逃到海底的人类种族代表之一,而对人类表现出无私的奉献精神。不管他平时嘴上怎么说,但这个奇怪的人善良之心至今还未完全泯灭。


第2个回答  2012-11-26




第3个回答  2012-03-11
"The two miles" was written in 1870, this classic verne narrative French biologists alonso in Marine kenaz travel seen and heard!

This happened in 1866, when the sea people found a so-called right whale big monster, he (a long kenaz) accepted the invitation to capture and act, but unfortunately in catching process and its servant (kang Selma) fell into the water and the unexpected swim to the monster back. Learned that this only moved a right whale is originally a ship structure wonderful dive boats. The diving ship is a called captain nemo of the oceans in a desert island built in secret, and its strong hull, use Marine power generation. Captain nemo invited a long journey for the kenaz. They start from the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the red sea coral way, and the Mediterranean, and then into the Atlantic, and see many rare sea vivid plant and water singular vision. Finally, when the ship reached the Norwegian coast dive, a long kenaz leave without saying goodbye, he all know the secret of GongZhiYuShi.

Captain nemo is master with a romantic, mystery. He used his own knowledge knowledge of careful research, design, build the only right whale monster-diving ship (the parrot conch), he and diving ship on a large scale in the sea of scientific research, but it's not as if this kind of lonely he the only purpose of life. He opened his enemies and from the victimizer, search for free in the bottom of the sea, and to his private life feel sorrow. In this lonely career he stumbles across a long and kenaz and he Shared the common experiences of the scenes, soul-stirring exciting events.

There are several is I feel more spectacular: the upper chapter 20 reece "channel:" the parrot conch "first suffer trouble to touch a rock and was forced to stop the strait. However this to a long kenaz, his servants kang features and the harpooner DE aram, it is a good thing. Because they can stay on the island in the next two days, this to a former life on land but because some reason to remain in the sea 2 ~ 3 months of people is how god of munificent treatment! However, he just want to enjoy the trophies but met native siege. Final with captain nemo composure to deal with native siege and to end.

The lower third chapter of a value must francs pearl: this chapter captain nemo, ah, LongNa, his servants kang, features and the harpooner DE LAN in the collection when pearl finds a pearl in India by black shark attacks, thanks to the captain nemo's brave and simply has no competition with distinctive, Abram DE of sharks physical structure of the familiar with the heart and the shark by end for end of life. In details can see his captain nemo, fled to the bottom of the sea as a representative of the human race, which humans show selfless dedication. No matter how to say his mouth at ordinary times, but this kind of strange people in the heart of the still not completely end.

The book is written about FengLu iceberg, octopus attacks and many risks. These stories are very winding tension, mysterious rapidly changing character fate, rich detailed scientific knowledge and details of the wonderful fantasy into a realistic furnace.

The author also show originality, clever layout, in the long trip, now will I to threatening dangerous environment--again, brought into poetic wonderful realm; The mammoth scenes depict and meticulous depict appear alternately. Reading is fascinating, unable to stop. This really is a very good book is worth reading追问

Please translate it into Chinese, you should speak Chinese in China!

第4个回答  2011-07-17
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