catch me, hug me, kiss me, touch mei want you love metell me , tell me,... 是个女歌手唱的 英文

是QQ炫舞里北城之恋 的 舞团 七号公园 的一周年团庆 宣传片背景音乐


Hold Me, Hug Me, Kiss Me Gently

Hold me.

Tightly, I want to believe in your heart beating against mine, breath in your intoxicating scent, feel the warmth of your smile. Don't let go, I need you. Stay here, be with me.

Hug me.

Gently, I fear I might break in your arms, melt in your touch, shatter from pure bliss. Tighter, you're not close enough. Take me, I want you.

Kiss me.

Softly, you're killing me with the sweet poison on your lips. You're my drug, my addiction. You are my murderer. You can't leave now, you belong to me. You'll be here always, in my heart and my mind.

Tell me.

Honestly, how much you care for me, I'll believe. You love me, it's the truth. You take my breath away, I can't lie. Whisper things to me, I listen. Believe me, I trust you.

Promise me.

Sweetly, you won't break my heart. The sweet nothings you mutter mean something; you mean so much to me. You can't leave, I won't let you. You won't leave, I can't let you.

Touch me.

Roughly, don't hold back. You need this, I need you. Make me fly, I won't fall. Faster, I'm shaking. Closer, I'm trembling.

Love me.

Silently, words do not need to be spoken, sounds not made, screams not heard. You don't speak, but I hear you. You say nothing, but I understand.

Catch me.

Quickly, I'm falling. I've slipped, save me. Hold me, I'm safe. I want you rescue me, be my hero always.

Escape with me.

I want you to come. I have been set free, it's your turn. We'll be together. Run with me, I'll be by your side. I'll never leave.

Your blue eyes close, your body moves, your intoxicating lips close. You're leaving me.

You can't go, promise me you'll stay. I need this. Don't leave, stay here, I want this. I desire you, you crave me. We've known each other forever. We'll know each other forever.

I'll stay here if you go; you'll come back to me. I'll remember when you forget, I'll remind you. I'll love you when you can't, I'll teach you.

I'll remember the way you held me, hugged me, kissed me, touched me, and I'll swear to promise you, love you, catch you, and escape with you.
第1个回答  2011-07-22
kara 的to me