

是命令,呵呵,我告诉你拉Client: 客户端(进入游戏后,打开控制台(按~)然后输入下面的命令) "war3menu" - Show WarCraft3 XP Player menu 显示魔兽菜单 "selectskill" - Allows you to select skills before the start of the next round 选择技能,也就是直接分配技能点,不需要等到下次开局再分配,适合第一局杀人后直接升级的。呵呵 "changerace" - Allows you to change race during the game 更换种族,前提是服务器的 "mp_allowchangerace" is 设置为"1" AH1设置为可以更改种族 "playerskills" - Shows you what skills other players have chosen 显示所有玩家的等级以及学习的技能 "skillsinfo" - Shows you what each skill does for the race you have 显示你选的种族技能说明菜单 selected "itemsinfo" - Shows you a list of items and what they do 显示物品是用来干什么的 (shopmenu和shopmenu2的物品) "iamadirtycheater" - if如果服务器设置 "sv_cheats" is 为"1" then it will set you to level 10 那么 你就可以直接升级到10级,这就是有时候大家可以看到某些可耻的人第一局就是10级的原因 (需要OP设置,AH1目前设置为不允许) "cheatsoff" - will set your level back to what it should be 回复调级前的状态,该是多少级就是多少级 "war3help" - gives you a list of the console commands 魔兽帮助 "war3vote" - vote to switch the plugin on and off 魔兽插件投票,是否关闭魔兽插件 AH1已经关闭这个功能,不要试了 "say /shopmenu" - same as "shopmenu" 等同于按Y输入shopmenu一样,商店1 "say /shopmenu2" - same as "shopmenu2" 等同于按Y输入shopmenu2一样,商店2 "say /changerace" - same as "changerace" 等同与按Y输入changerace一样,更改种族 下同 "say /selectskill" - same as "selectskill" 直接选择技能 "say /playerskills" - same as "playerskills" 显示玩家等级 "say /skillsinfo" - same as "skillinfo" 显示技能解释 "say /itemsinfo" - same as "itemsinfo" 物品解释 "say /itemsinfo2" - same as "itemsinfo2" 物品解释2 "say /level" - displays level, race and skill information 现实你当前 的等级,以及技能等级 "say /war3vote" - vote to switch the plugin on or off 魔兽投票 "say /war3help" - displays info about the plugin 魔兽帮助 mp_allowchangerace 1"允许改变种族,默认值为0 "mp_forceskin" 强制根据种族选皮肤(特定种族,特定衣服) "mp_grenadeprotection" 允许每局买手雷的数量,默认值为1 客户端(服务器端也可用 ): "say /changerace"重新选择种族 "say /playerskills"查看其他玩家的技能等级 "iamadirtycheater"服务器端打开作弊开关后,就可以在控制台输入这条命令进行作弊了 "shopmenu"打开特殊物品的购买菜单 "ultimate" 使用终极技能 建议将一些命令绑定在某个键上,这样可以省很多时间。 方法如下: 打开cstrike\config.cfg文件,然后修改或添加一些命令 bind i "shopmenu" bind t "ultimate" bind n "changerace" bind u "iamadirtycheater" 如果服务器作弊打开,这条命令就可以让你不用吃哑巴亏了。 如果你觉得i、t、n、u这几个键你有别的用处,就修改到别的键上