

【作者】 邓小俐;
【导师】 杨泰良;
【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学, 课程与教学论, 2002, 硕士
【摘要】 在国际数学教育成就评价时,只要样本中包括中国和美国,那么中国学生的成绩往往可以大大领先于美国学生,然而,通常对比中所用的题目都是常规题目。当涉及到开放题、有现实背景的题目并且需要对结论进行合理解释的题目时,我国学生的表现却不尽如人意,而美国学生则可以胜出。为什么会出现这种情况?带着这样一个问题,本文构建了一个三维的分析框架,即文字特征、达到要求和解题策略,以此为基础,对中美初中数学课本中的习题进行比较,发现中美课本中习题在故事背景、对结论进行解释、调查实验、学习方式、问题解决、模型使用、家庭数学等方面都存在很大差异。本文还简要地从教学目的、数学的价值取向以及两种社会不同的历史文化背景三方面对差异的形成作出了简要分析。 在本文的第二部分中,根据第一部分对比得到结论的启示,提出了编制习题应该注意的五个方面,那就是:

【Abstract】 During the past cross-national comparisons of mathematics achievement, when included samples of Chinese and U.S students, the findings have been that Chinese students perform mathematical tasks at much higher levels of proficiency than U.S students. However, studies comparing performances have tended to assess performance on fairly routine computational tasks or those solved by straightforward application of algorithmic procedures. When tasks requiring mathematical thinking and reasoning, or problem solving, U.S students can perform better than Chinese. Why? To find the reason, this paper constructed a 3-dimensional framework (for contextual features, performance requirements and solving method) to analyze the textbook problems of Chinese and U.S. The results show that there are many differences in the two countries, for example, illustrative context with pictorial representation or story; explanation required; problem solving; learning style; special requirement; family mathematics etc. The author also analyzed the reason in three aspects: teaching aim, mathematics value and social culture.In the second section, the author pointed there are 5 aspects should be paid attention when we make up textbook problems, they are: 0)the expression of the problems should suit the cognition system of students; (2)problems should encourage students to think and embody much mathematics thought; (3)there should have all kinds of problems in the textbooks to meet student’ learning style; (4)questions don’t require only one kind solution; (5) there should have good connections between problems.更多还原

【关键词】 跨国比较; 问题解决; 问题背景; 文字特征; 认知要求; 解题策略;
【Key words】 cross-national comparisons; problem solving; illustrative context; contextual features; cognitive requirement; solving strategy;

【网络出版投稿人】 南京师范大学 【网络出版年期】2002年 02期
【DOI】CNKI:CDMD:2.2002.092310 【分类号】G634.6 【被引频次】12 【下载频次】410
第1个回答  2011-05-01
第2个回答  2011-05-03
第3个回答  2011-05-01