
1 after 5 hours' drive,they reached___ they thought was the place they had been dreaming of.
A that B where C which D what
答案是D 为什么选D,BC为什么不行?
2 Female sea horses lay the eggs, but unlike other creature, it's the males that give birth to the young.这里的give birth 是指什么?give birth不是专指生下吗?
3“fake”would probably be explained as ___
A false product B man-made copy
答案是A 嗯。B为什么不对呢?
4__ steamships were invented, a voyage across a wide ocean was a long and sometimes very dangerous journey.
A By B Until
答案是B 为什么A不对
5 You can understand that we don't know much about the oceans because of their huge ___.Another reason why we know so little about them is because of their great depth
A size Bwidth
答案是A 为什么B 不对
6 He would have paid __ wanted for the house if the salesgirl had insisted because he really wanted it.
A as much as B twice as much
答案为B 。A怎么不行呢?不可以翻译成他因为真的想要,所以如果那个女孩坚持(卖那么多钱的话),他愿意付给她想要的价么?B选项是不是省略了一个as ?
7 in good situation 不是词组?
8 Except 和except for 什么区别?
9 i’m afraid you will __ trouble because of your carelessness.
A ask for B get into
答案是B A 不行吗?ask for trouble 不是自讨苦吃吗?也说得通吧
10 Therocks helped us __lower in the Dead Sea.
A drop B sink
答案是A . B 为什么不行?

1what 不能作定语从句的引导词, 能作宾语和主语从句的引导词比如 i don't know what can make you happy,这里做了两个成分,一个是reach 的宾语,还有就是后面主语从句的引导词,主语从句即是is前面的what they thought部分,which ,where 就没这种双重作用啦。
2不用怀疑,give birth to 是孕育的意思,这句意思是母海马下蛋,但跟其他生物不同的是新生命是由公海马孕育的。
4by 是在什么情况,在什么时间的意思,如Do you prefer traveling by day or by night?原文后边既不是时间也不是情况。until是直到什么时候的意思,比较符合意思。

All the buildings are excellent except this one.

All the buildings are excellent except for their location或者All the buildings are excellent except that the place on which the buidings are built is notgood.这就是他们的区别,而且
9这句意思是因为粗心陷入麻烦的意思,get into trouble 就是这个陷入麻烦的意思,跟自讨苦吃没关系。
第1个回答  2011-05-09
此处需注意一下时态的构成,这是一个if 主从句的虚拟,因他确实想要,如选a,言下之意,没有接受卖价去买房,选b表,如果售楼女孩坚持的话,两倍的价钱下他也会买(实际没有用两倍价钱买,言下之意以既定价钱买的,但如果真涨一倍,也买,以突出确实想买)
7.不是固定词组,相应的有in good condition 先说到这吧,一次问的太多了,有空再来,参考一下,祝进步