
The "Project Hope"Education plays a very important role in the development of China. As is known to all, China has the largest population in the world and most of them live in the countryside. Since the economic conditions there are rather poor, many families,especially in the remote areas, cannot afford to send their children to school, many children have to drop from school. The "Project Hope" is aimed at solving this problem so that every child of school age can receive regular education.
The "Project Hope" mainly depends on the contributions of the urban people and overseas Chinese who care about the development of China's education. The contributed money will be distributed by "Project Hope" council to the countryside to help the children who cannot afford the education. One hundred yuan will help such a child finish his primary education.
"Project Hope" is a good way to promote the education in the rural areas, but it is far from being sufficient. By now,only a small portion of the children benefit from it. Therefore,I suggest that government at all levels and people of all walks of life pay more attention to the problem and do much more to help raise the educational level of the country.

"希望工程"教育中起着非常重要的作用,在中国的发展. 如众所周知, 中国拥有世界上最多的人口,其中大部分居住在农村. 由于经济条件也相当差,许多家庭,特别是边远地区, 不能送孩子上学,很多儿童放弃上学. "希望工程" ,是为了解决这个问题,使每个学龄儿童能接受正规教育. "希望工程" ,主要靠贡献的市人民及海外华人关心发展 中国教育. 缴入款项将分发到"希望工程" ,会到乡下,帮助孩子们买不起 教育. 100元,帮助这些儿童完成小学教育. "希望工程"是一个好方法,以促进教育,在农村地区, 但这还远远不够. 到现在,只有一小部分的儿童从中受益. 因此,我建议,各级政府和社会各界人士多加注意的问题 做更多努力,帮助提高教育水平的国家.
第1个回答  2019-01-04