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A boy on the low tide due to just lost girlfriend in a traffic accident, who will be able to read his deep-down mind while he was played the piano? How did he walk out of the darkness and with the hope of future?

A wave of inexplicable sadness with the sentiment of missing about her is resulted when he passed by that deeply-in-loved boy and girl, after all, the happiness he used to have with his lover is unforgettable.

He regarded that disability thoughtfully, continuous fall and stand up, suddenly, he was inspired by such spirit of daring to face reality and never bows to fate, the hope of life is reignited.
第1个回答  2011-05-19
Loss of a girlfriend in a car accident the boy is in a depressed mood on, he talked the piano alone, who can understand his inner monologue, and how he is out of the shadows, to see life's wish to see?
This is more in love couple caught his thoughts on the loss of loved ones, who have been happy never forget the time, and this scene Gengrang their sad and painful.
He looked at people with disabilities, thoughtful, and that repeated or repeated stations seem to succumb to the fate of the spirit touched his soul, which ignited the hope of life.
第2个回答  2011-05-19
He lost his lover in a car accident, it's the hardest time for him ever. He played that piano alone, thinking who could feel this pain, and how could he ever get over this haze of death and sentiment. Yet again asking himself, where the hope is?
The lovers he saw makes him even more sad, he could not forget every seconds they've been through, agony is what only left in his heart.
But at some day, he saw a disabled person fell and fell again from the wheelchair, but still try to stand up without any help. This spirit of fortitude, never give in to fate makes him lit the fire of hope for life deeply inside of his heart.